Working Party on General Safety | Session 126 | 10-13 Oct 2023
Agenda Item 12. (a)
Guidance on Event Data Recorder Performance Elements Appropriate for Adoption in the 1958 and 1998 Agreements Resolutions or Regulations

23. The expert from the Netherlands on behalf of the IWG on Event Data Recorder/Data Storage System for Automated Driving (EDR/DSSAD) introduced the IWG status report (GRSG-126-12). He explained the background of IWG and the state of play of EDR for Heavy Duty Vehicles (HDVs). He stated that more consideration by IWG was necessary on the “Guidance document on EDR for HDV appropriate for adoption in 1958 and 1998 Agreement Resolutions or Regulations” (ECE/TRANS/WP29/GRSG/2023/14), amended by GRSG-125-08. GRSG agreed to resume discussion at its April 2024 session based on the IWG outcome.