Working Party on Automated and Connected Vehicles | Session 16 | 22-26 May 2023

Deadline for submission of formal working documents: 27 February 2023.

Agenda Item 4. (a)
Deliverables of the Informal Working Group on Functional Requirements for Automated and Autonomous Vehicles

21. The expert from the United States of America, Co-Chair of the IWG on FRAV, presented GRVA-16-30 containing the status report of the group. He recalled the mandate and the history of the work of the IWG on FRAV. He informed GRVA that the group was currently focusing on the Human Machine Interface (HMI) and began a close collaboration with the IWG on VMAD to combine their work via a joint integration group. He introduced the interim document and detailed its five sections. He stated that FRAV envisaged to finish the document until the January 2023 session of GRVA. GRVA endorsed the progress report from the IWG on FRAV.

22. GRVA noted the progress made and discussed the current challenges on HMI and the temporary lack of consensus on that matter, expected to be resolved during the weeks following that session of GRVA.

23. GRVA endorsed GRVA-16-29/Rev.1, the work prepared by the IWG on FRAV on Guidelines for Regulatory Requirements and Verifiable Criteria for Automated Driving System (ADS) Safety Validation. GRVA requested the secretariat to submit GRVA 16 29/Rev.1 to WP.29 to its June 2023 session for information.

GRVA-16-29/Rev.1 ADS safety: Guidelines for regulatory requirements and verifiable criteria
GRVA-16-30 Status report from the FRAV informal group
GRVA-16-32 Large-scale demonstration of AVs for shared mobility (UITP)