World Forum for the Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations | Session 190 | 19-22 Jun 2023
Agenda Item 3.5.1.

40. The Chair of GRSG reported on the results of the 125th session of GRSG (for details, see the report in ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/104).

41. GRSG adopted amendments to 5 UN Regulations Nos 43, 122, 160, 161, 158, 162 and established a new UN Regulation on EDR for Heavy Duty Vehicles.

42. GRSG adopted the revised ToR of the IWG on Awareness of Vulnerable Road Users Proximity in low-speed manoeuvres (VRU-Proxi).

43. GRSG agreed on an extension of the mandate of the IWG on Field of Vision Assistant (FVA) of Drivers until April 2024, pending endorsement of WP.29 at its June 2023 session. WP.29 endorsed this request.

44. GRSG agreed to establish a TF on UN Regulation No. 39 (Speedometer and Odometer) to discuss potential measures for accuracy and anti-tampering of odometer/mileage values, relevant for many applications, such as roadworthiness, environmental performances of the vehicles and current and future domestic applications. The representative of FIA welcomed this initiative as an important topic to be discussed.

45. Concerning Event Data Recorder (EDR) / Data Storage system for Automated Driving Vehicles (DSSAD), GRSG adopted the proposal for a new UN Regulation concerning the Approval of Event Data Recorders for Heavy-Duty Vehicles and requested the secretariat to submit it to the November 2023 sessions of WP.29 and AC.1. However, it was expected to review this proposal based on revised documents submitted by IWG at the October 2023 session of GRSG.

46. GRSG finalized its screening of the UN Regulations and UN GTRs of relevance of Vehicle Automation which were linked to drivers and agreed that the coordinated conclusions of TF-AVRS in each Working Party be provided to the June 2023 session of WP.29.

47. GRSG progressed the screening of the full list of UN Regulations under its responsibility, for the potential use of the Unique Identifier (UI) and agreed to resume discussion at its October 2023 session on a document, that now represents the opinion of CITA.

GRSG/104 GRSG: Report of the 125th (March 2023) session