Working Party on Pollution and Energy | Session 89 | 30 May-2 Jun 2023
Agenda Item 15.
Priority topics for GRPE activities

106. The Chair introduced GRPE-89-38-Rev.1. The representative of OICA invited to consider adding power legislation in the updated list of priorities, for example to cover power on demand, and discuss the future of UN Regulation No. 85. He highlighted a need for a broad discussion for both light-duty and heavy-duty vehicles on this topic of power determination for all the various powertrain options now or soon-to-be available.

107. The representative of France provided some updated information on the TFTA activities, reminding GRPE that the ToRs of the TFTA was aiming for a new UN Regulation.

108. The representative of the US highlighted vehicle-level efficiency should be considered as well, not only looking at the powertrain. The Chair agreed with this proposal.

109. The representative of the Netherlands requested to wait until the next session to tackle the topic of cooling units, still waiting for some feedback before starting any activities.

110. GRPE endorsed GRPE-89-38-Rev.1, as amended during the session.

GRPE-89-38/Rev.1 Updated list of GRPE priorities