Informal Group on Heavy-Duty Hybrids | Session 14 | 4 Jun 2013
Agenda Item 8.
Next meetings

The next HDH meetings will take place, as follows
• 15th HDH meeting: 24 and 25 October 2013, San Francisco, USA
• 16th HDH meeting: 07 January 2014, Geneva
• 17th HDH meeting: March 2014, Europe (date and place to be confirmed)
• 18th HDH meeting: June 2014, Geneva (date to be confirmed)

The next meetings of the drafting group (HDH-DG) will take place, as follows
• 3rd HDH-DG meeting: to be decided upon availability of technical secretary
• 4th HDH-DG meeting: 22 and 23 October 2013, San Francisco