5.1 Hybrid and GHG activities
5.2 General comments on HDH work program
OICA requested to consider plug-in hybrids in the GTR, and will present a proposal to the HDH IWG for discussion. The Chairman asked that the proposal should be circulated by the end of September in order to allow proper consideration at the next HDH meeting.
5.3 Assessment of powerpack testing
5.4 Assessment of chassis dyno testing
5.5 CO2 emission
The secretary presented a proposal on how to deal with CO2 within the HDH framework (working paper HDH-14-05, pages 6 – 10). CO2 emission is part of the HDH mandate. Currently, Contracting Parties have their own regional HD CO2 regulations in place or are developing CO2 regulations for HD vehicles. There is no WP.29 mandate for a CO2 regulation for conventional heavy duty vehicles. At a meeting between EU-COM (DG-CLIMA) and HDH Chair and Secretary, it was agreed that it was not appropriate to develop a CO2 regulation by UNECE just for HD hybrid vehicles. HDH IWG should develop the procedure for CO2 determination, thereby fulfilling their mandate on CO2 emissions. The HILS CO2 result may then be used as input for the regional CO2 regulations, if needed. Chair and Secretary suggested other Contracting Parties to apply a similar approach.
The proposal was agreed.