World Forum for the Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations | Session 188 | 14-16 Nov 2022
Agenda Item 8.1.
Consistency between the 1968 Vienna Convention and the UN Regulations and UN GTRs of the 1958 and 1998 Agreements

104. The secretariat of WP.1 informed WP.29 on results achieved during the September 2022 session, focusing on those having relevance for WP.29. She referred to the session report of the eighty-fifth session of WP.1 for more details (ECE/TRANS/WP.1/181). She reported on the progress made in reviewing the consistency between the 1968 Convention on Road Traffic and technical regulations, in particular the lighting provisions in Annex 5, on which WP.1 will complete its deliberations in March 2023. She briefed WP.29 on the adoption by WP.1 of the resolution on safety considerations for activities other than driving undertaken by the driver when the automated driving system is exercising dynamic control (ECE/TRANS/WP.1/2021/2/Rev.1). She informed WP.29 about WP.1 activities on Human Factors in the context of Automated Vehicles. She mentioned the good relationship with the Working Party on Automated/Autonomous and Connected Vehicles. She recalled that WP.1 was looking forward to engaging more with WP.29 such as through organizing a joint side event of the Inland Transport Committee at its February 2023 session, or alternatively organizing technical workshops e.g. a combined workshop of the WP.1 Informal Group of Experts on Automated Driving (IGEAD) and the GRVA Informal Working Group on Functional Requirements for Automated Vehicles (FRAV).

105. The representative of ITU mentioned a specific challenge faced by the stakeholders dealing with the development of Automated Driving Systems, namely the lack of uniform and harmonized traffic rules. He explained that the combined workshop of IGEAD and FRAV identified, as one of the potential items for cooperation, the need to provide information on traffic rules by jurisdictions. He recalled the offer by ITU at the fourteenth session of GRVA to host a database on traffic rules under the direction of WP.1 and WP.29 to determine the format. He offered for ITU to participate in WP.1 to provide the UN Information and Communications Technology (ICT).

106. WP.29 thanked the representative of ITU for this offer and agreed to inform the Inland Transport Committee of this proposal, as the question of harmonization of traffic rules was an important topic.

107. The representative of Germany, Chair of GRVA, informed WP.29 on the combined workshop of the IGEAD and FRAV in the Hague on 7-8 November 2022, a starting point for the collaboration between WP.29 and WP.1. He confirmed that the two groups worked on an initial list of common interests. He stated that this work should be performed in accordance with mandates from both working parties and supported the continuation of such exchanges. He noted that the positions of delegations concerning the organization of a combined WP.1 / WP.29 public event did not change. He noted that the delegations were supporting the organization of technical workshops.

108. The representative of the United States of America agreed with the Chair of GRVA and confirmed that their position remained unchanged, as the organization of a public event would be premature. She supported the idea to organize technical workshops and suggested that one of them could concentrate on human factors, based on the contributions to the WP.1 round table on human Factors organized by the representative of Canada.

109. WP.29 agreed with the representatives of Germany and the United States of America. WP.29 noted that the proposed timeline for activities during the ITC week in February 2023 might be too short but that activities should be resumed in the first quarter of 2023.