Working Party on Automated and Connected Vehicles | Session 14 | 26-30 Sep 2022
Agenda Item 6. (c)
Other business

75. The expert from Japan presented GRVA-14-14, proposing that GRVA harmonize requirements for Acceleration Control for Pedal Error (ACPE) under the 1958 Agreement. She detailed the situation in Japan, with drivers aged 75 and above being statistically more often involved in accidents due to errors when using the acceleration pedal instead of the brakes. She provided details demonstrating the benefits of mandating ACPE and proposed a work plan for GRVA.

76. The expert from the United States of America inquired why harmonization was proposed to be performed under the 1958 Agreement and raised questions on data to determine potential costs/benefits ratios supporting regulatory activities. The expert from France asked about existing feedback regarding false positives and inquired whether such system would only make sense for vehicles with an automatic gearbox. The expert from Sweden inquired whether Advanced Emergency Braking System (AEBS) regulations could address such situations. The expert from the Republic of Korea explained that his country experienced similar cases, as demonstrated by EDR data, and that they would participate in such activities, as proposed by Japan. The expert from Germany mentioned similar accidents in his country as well and explained that such systems would require regulations as they potentially override the driver. The expert from OICA inquired whether guidelines could be considered to address ACPE. He noted that “overriding the driver” was discussed in the context of complex ADAS and ADS but had not been acceptable so far from the regulator point of view for more simple systems such as AEBS, hence for ACPE.

77. GRVA agreed that the expert from Japan, together with interested Contracting Parties, would draft preliminary Terms of Reference (ToRs) of a potential IWG on ACPE. GRVA agreed to review draft ToRs and to decide on the way forward at its next session.

GRVA-14-14 Proposal to start discussions on Acceleration Control for Pedal Error (ACPE) (Japan)