7. The Secretary presented GRVA-14-03, with highlights from the WP.29 session in June 2022 having relevance for GRVA. He referred to the session report ECE/TRANS/WP.29/1166 for more details. He mentioned that the amendment to the interpretation document on UN Regulation No. 155 (adopted by GRVA at its March 2022 session) required a correction at the time of adoption by WP.29 and that he had spoken on behalf of GRVA to confirm the correction. He invited GRVA to check ECE/TRANS/WP.29/1166, para. 103. He informed that the representative of the Netherlands, Co-Chair of the IWG on Validation Methods for Automated Driving (VMAD), noted the development of UN Regulation No. 157 and suggested that its title be reviewed. GRVA noted the report from the secretariat.
8. The Secretary informed GRVA that the reference documents produced by GRVA, such as guidelines, recommendations, interpretation documents were made available on the UNECE website: https://unece.org/reference-documents-0.