World Forum for the Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations | Session 187 | 20-24 Jun 2022
Agenda Item 3.6.4.

77. The Chair of GRVA reported on the results of the thirteenth session of GRVA (for details, see the report in ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/13) conducted in English only and aimed at reconfirming documents adopted by GRVA in January 2022 on the basis of informal documents.

78. The GRVA chair thanked Japan and the secretariat for continuing to convene workshops on the implementation of UN Regulation No. 155 and their support in organizing a workshop also including the contracting parties to the 1998 Agreements who were interested in harmonizing their domestic legislation (and test workload) taking into account the set of technical requirements for contracting parties to the 1998 Agreement (and derived practices in terms of testing).

79. The GRVA chair mentioned the activities of GRVA concerning Artificial Intelligence in the context of vehicle regulations: review of relevant definitions, use cases and associated risks and potential ways to integrate considerations in the NATM.

80. The GRVA chair reported on the actions taken to screen the UN GTRs and UN Regulations under the purview of GRVA, under the leadership of the expert from France and with the support of the expert from China.

81. The GRVA chair recalled GRVA’s ambition to hold a session of GRVA outside of Geneva in 2023 and invited delegations to offer hosting such meeting to be organised with the support of the secretariat.

82. The representative of the Republic of Korea, Director-General at MOLIT, declared that automated vehicle was a topic and a technology that was going to revolutionize people’s life and shift the paradigm of space and mobility. He explained that Korea enacted safety regulations for Level 3 automated vehicles in 2019 based on the UN Regulation No. 157 (ALKS) drafted by GRVA. He announced that Level 3 automated vehicles were going to be released in the Korean market this year. He recalled that, when Korea enacted the regulations, the maximum speed of ALKS was set to be the same as the speed limit of motorways, i.e. 110 km/h in most cases, because Korea considered that there should be no restrictions on the development of automated driving technology and the regulations should promote the deployment of automated vehicles so that many people can experience it in real life. He considered that raising the speed limit of the ALKS and allowing lane change that were going to be adopted this week by AC.1, as 01 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 157, would contribute to ushering in the era of automated driving. He stated that he had no doubt that technology, industry and safety standards would have a positive influence on one another at WP.29 and induce the development of all. He concluded by stating that Korea would support the activities at WP.29.

83. The representative of the Netherlands suggested that GRVA would review the title of UN Regulation No. 157 to reflect the nature of the latest amendments. He suggested that all GRs take into consideration possible future developments of regulations when drafting a regulation title.

84. WP.29 endorsed the report provided by the Chair of GRVA, recalled the documents adopted under agenda items 2.3 and as well as WP.29’s support for the extension of the mandates of the IWG on FRAV and VMAD.

GRVA/13 GRVA-13: Chair's notes on the May 2022 session