Working Party on Automated and Connected Vehicles | Session 13 | 23-27 May 2022
Agenda Item 6. (a)
Advanced Driver Assistance Systems

70. The expert from the Russian Federation, Co-Chair of the Task Force on Advanced Driver Assistant Systems (ADAS), presented a progress report (GRVA-13-45) of the group. He detailed that the group established a drafting group that developed parts of a new UN Regulation on Dynamic Control Assistance System (DCAS). He highlighted that the group completed the drafting of DCAS key principles and developed a method for reviewing the Master Document, proposed by the technical secretary of the task force. He detailed the three stages envisaged for developing this new UN Regulation.

71. The expert from the European Commission Joint Research Center announced that his organization would perform market surveillance activities in June and July 2022 regarding ADAS and would present the corresponding results to GRVA in September 2022, if possible.

GRVA-13-45 Status report of the ADAS task force