World Forum for the Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations | Session 186 | 7-11 Mar 2022
Agenda Item 17.15.
Proposal for a draft UN GTR on brake particulate emissions

161. The representative from the EU updated AC.3 on the development of the new UN GTR on brake particulate emissions, informing that a series of meetings had been held by the IWG on Particulate Measurement Programme (PMP) took place in 2021 to develop the proposal, that focused on the development of the brake particle emissions method, including inter-laboratory studies, the inclusion of regenerative braking concept method, and drafting of the proposal. He informed that a draft UN GTR was expected to be available for consideration by GRPE in January 2023, with a final proposal ready for AC.3 consideration foreseen for the June 2023 session of AC.3.

WP.29/AC.3/59 Brake particulate emissions: Request for authorization to develop a new UN GTR