World Forum for the Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations | Session 186 | 7-11 Mar 2022
Agenda Item 10.
Establishment of the Committee AC.1.

129. The AC.1 voting followed the special proceedings during COVID-19 period, which had been adopted by all contracting parties to the 1958 Agreement under a silence procedure on 25 February 2022. The written procedure, had been initiated on 1 March 2022 12:00h CET and had lasted for 72 hours, ending on 5 March 2022 12:00h CET. The eightieth, hybrid session of AC.1 was held on 9 March 2022.

130. Of the 56 contracting parties to the agreement, 39 were represented by taking part in the written procedure and at the hybrid AC.1 session, its seventy-ninth session, on 9 March 2022.

131. AC.1 invited the Chair of WP.29 to chair the hybrid session.