Working Party on Passive Safety | Session 71 | 9-13 May 2022
Agenda Item 21. (b)
UN Regulation No. 0 (International Whole Vehicle Type Approval)

39. The expert from Japan, ambassador of IWVTA, informed GRSP that the 04 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 0 adopted at the November 2022 session of WP.29, had been supplemented with transitional provisions, which were adopted at the March 2022 session of WP.29. He also added that IWVTA IWG continued working on a proposal for the 05 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 0. He explained that the 05 series amends annex 4, which lists the UN Regulations that apply to UN Regulation No. 0 as well as the series of amendments to UN Regulations, e.g. the latest series of UN Regulations Nos. 94, 95, 100 and 137 (under GRSP) which had entered into force in June 2021. Moreover, he informed GRSP that currently, stakeholders were reviewing the possible updating of each UN Regulations listed in annex 4. Finally, he informed GRSP that IWVTA IWG had scheduled a discussion for the meeting of 17 June 2022, and expected to submit an informal document to the June session of WP.29.

40. The expert from Finland, on behalf of the informal working group on Database for Exchange of Approval documentation (DETA) introduced the proposal for extension of DETA to improve the use of the Unique Identifier (UI) for UN Regulations (GRSP-71-22). GRSP agreed to request the expert from CLEPA to prepare a document listing the current marking requirements in the UN Regulations under GRSP, for submission to its December 2022 session which would then be used to determine which UN Regulations could be allowed to use UI and how it could be done. Moreover, it was agreed to determine the UN Regulations where the UI would not provide any added value.

GRSP-71-22 UN R0: Proposal for extension of DETA to improve the use of the Unique Identifier for UN Regulations