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(Latest posted on 4 Feb 2025)
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15 January 2020 Guidelines (terms of reference) for the Measurement Uncertainties Task Force
TFMU-02-03/Rev.1 2020-01-15
8 January 2020 Draft agenda for the 3rd TFMU task force session
TFMU-03-01/Rev.1 2020-01-08
17 February 2020 UN R51: Proposal for Supplement 6 to the 03 series of amendments
WP.29/2020/4 2020-02-17
8 January 2020 Proposal for handling and assessment of noise measurement uncertainties
TFMU-03-04 2020-01-08
3 January 2020 Draft report of the 2nd Noise Measurement Uncertainties task force session
TFMU-02-08 2020-01-03
21 January 2020 Draft report of the 3rd Noise Measurement Uncertainties task force session
TFMU-03-06 2020-01-21
15 January 2020 Noise Measurement Uncertainties task force report to GRBP-71
TFMU-03-05 2020-01-15
21 January 2020 UN R51, UN R117 TF Measurement Uncertainties (MU): Status report
GRBP-71-04 2020-01-21
22 January 2020 UN R51 : Task Force Measurement Uncertainties (TF MU) guidelines to the objectives and rules of procedure
GRBP-71-05 2020-01-22
22 January 2020 UN R51: EC Study on sound level limits of M- and N- category vehicles (EC)
GRBP-71-11 2020-01-22
25 February 2020 Adopted agenda for the 15th ASEP II informal group session
ASEP II-15-01/Rev.1
ASEP II-15-01/Rev.1 2020-02-25
28 January 2020 Draft ASEP II informal group status report to GRBP
ASEP II-15-05
ASEP II-15-05 2020-01-28
23 January 2020 Assessment and handling of noise measurement uncertainties
TFMU-03-08 2020-01-23
27 January 2020 Presentation on "Bruitparif": Road noise in the environment
TFRWS-09-06 2020-01-27
28 January 2020 ASEP: Concept for a real-driving model
ASEP II-15-07
ASEP II-15-07 2020-01-28
28 January 2020 UN R51: Working draft text for an amendment to the 03 series or a 04 series
ASEP II-15-08
ASEP II-15-08 2020-01-28
29 January 2020 UN R51 : Proposal for revision of ASEP as a future concept of real driving
GRBP-71-24 2020-01-29
29 January 2020 UN R51 : ASEP II informal group status report
GRBP-71-25 2020-01-29
31 January 2020 UN R51: Draft Terms of Reference TF Measurement Uncertainties (MU)
GRBP-71-31/Rev.1 2020-01-31
27 January 2020 UN R51: TF Measurement Uncertainties update on the strategic approach to handle uncertainties
GRBP-71-21 2020-01-27
27 February 2020 Draft agenda for the 4th Noise Measurement Uncertainties Task Force session
TFMU-04-01 2020-02-27
6 March 2020 Cancellation: 4th Measurement Uncertainties Task Force session
TFMU-04-02 2020-03-06
12 March 2020 Draft report of the 15th ASEP II informal group session
ASEP II-15-09
ASEP II-15-09 2020-03-12
24 April 2020 Draft agenda for the 5th TFMU session
TFMU-05-01/Rev.1 2020-04-24
27 April 2020 Noise Measurement: ISO track and temperature correction: Evaluation of Method B (Renault)
TFMU-05-02 2020-04-27
27 April 2020 Noise Measurement: Justifications for uncertainty tolerances
TFMU-05-03 2020-04-27
21 July 2020 Agenda for the 16th ASEP II informal group session
ASEP II-16-01/Rev.2
ASEP II-16-01/Rev.2 2020-07-21
3 June 2020 Measurement Methods for Noise Emitted by Light-duty Vehicles in Multiple Driving Mode Conditions (CATARC)
ASEP II-16-06
ASEP II-16-06 2020-06-03
4 June 2020 Updated terms of reference for the ASEP II informal group
ASEP II-16-08/Rev.1
ASEP II-16-08/Rev.1 2020-06-04
23 June 2020 UN R51: Proposal for revised Terms of Reference for IWG ASEP
GRBP/2020/10 2020-06-23
25 June 2020 Notification of session postponement
TFMU-06-01 2020-06-25
Attendance list from the 16th ASEP II informal group session (ASEP II-16-02 not available) ASEP II-16-02 2020-07-21
11 August 2020 Calendar of GRBP-related meetings
ASEP II-16-00
ASEP II-16-00 2020-08-11
11 August 2020 Draft report of the 16th ASEP II informal group session
ASEP II-16-11
ASEP II-16-11 2020-08-11
11 August 2020 Revised draft report of the 16th ASEP II informal group session
ASEP II-16-11/Rev.1
ASEP II-16-11/Rev.1 2020-08-11
13 September 2020 Sound Measurement Uncertainties: Terms of reference for an informal working group
GRBP-72-10 2020-09-13
13 September 2020 Status report of the Sound Measurement Uncertainties informal group
GRBP-72-11 2020-09-13
13 September 2020 GRBP priorities
GRBP-72-12 2020-09-13
13 September 2020 Status report of the ASEP II informal group
GRBP-72-16 2020-09-13
13 September 2020 UN R51: Proposal for amendments to document GRBP/2020/10
GRBP-72-17 2020-09-13
23 September 2020 Draft agenda for the 6th Sound Measurement Uncertainties task force session
TFMU-06-01 2020-09-23
8 October 2020 Sound measurement uncertainties: Temperature correction analysis
TFMU-06-03 2020-10-08
8 October 2020 ISO 9533-Section 7.1.1: Recorded dB values
TFRWS-12-04 2020-10-08
8 October 2020 Sound measurement uncertainties: Test set-up for second validation program
TFRWS-12-05 2020-10-08
8 October 2020 Sound Measurement Uncertainties: Justification of the main impact quantities (OICA)
TFMU-06-02 2020-10-08
8 October 2020 Sound Measurement Uncertainties: Status report on run to run deviation (Renault)
TFMU-06-04/Rev.1 2020-10-08
8 October 2020 Measuring Tire-pavement Noise at the Source: Precision and Bias Statement
TFMU-06-05 2020-10-08
8 October 2020 National Cooperative Highway Research Program: Measuring Tire-Pavement Noise at the Source: Precision and Bias Statement (Project 1-44 (1))
TFMU-06-05/a 2020-10-08
8 October 2020 National Cooperative Highway Research Program: Project 1-44 (1)-Appendix C
TFMU-06-05/b 2020-10-08
8 October 2020 HCV – Measurement Uncertainty estimation (Daimler, MAN, Scania, and Volvo Group)
TFMU-06-06 2020-10-08
8 October 2020 Influence of temperature and atmospheric pressure on sound pressure level (Scania)
TFMU-06-07 2020-10-08
27 October 2020 UN R51: ASEP II Drafting Group review of 03 series amendments
ASEP II-15-08/Rev.1
ASEP II-15-08/Rev.1 2020-10-27
29 November 2020 Draft agenda for the 7th Noise Measurement Uncertainties task force session
TFMU-07-01 2020-11-29
29 November 2020 UN R51: Effects of Tyre Temperature/Aging on noise measurements (ETRTO)
TFMU-07-02 2020-11-29
2 December 2020 UN R51: Draft proposal regarding ambient conditions (OICA)
TFMU-07-03/Rev.2 2020-12-02
2 December 2020 UN R51: Vehicle selection and preparation for testing provisions (OICA)
TFMU-07-04 2020-12-02
3 December 2020 UN R51: Drive-by noise test: Measurement Uncertainty Application to Vehicle Categories M3/N3 status report (OICA)
TFMU-07-05/Rev.1 2020-12-03
2 December 2020 Draft report of the 6th Noise Measurement Uncertainties task force session
TFMU-06-08 2020-12-02
3 December 2020 Draft report of the 5th Noise Measurement Uncertainties task force session
TFMU-05-05 2020-12-03
16 December 2020 Draft agenda for the 8th TFMU task force session
TFMU-08-01 2020-12-16