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(Latest 6 December 2013)
1. Welcome
2. Introduction of participants
AVLI-03-04 | List of participants from the 3rd AVLI informal group session
3. Adoption of the agenda
AVLI-03-02 | Draft agenda for the 3rd AVLI informal group session
4. Discussion of amendments to UN R86
AVLI-01-03/Rev.1 | Proposal for Supplement 6 to the 00 series of amendments to Regulation No. 86 Revised version of the CEMA proposal to update the regulation on agricultural vehicle lighting pursuant to the first AVLI informal group session.
AVLI-01-03/Rev.2 | Working draft proposal for Supplement 6 to the 00 series of amendments to Regulation No. 86: Revision 2a Proposal to update the agricultural vehicle lighting regulation pursuant to the 5 November 2013 informal group session (AVLI-2).
AVLI-02-03/Rev.1 | Comments and observations matrix for the draft text on agricultural vehicle lighting: Revised Comments on the working draft proposal for Supplement 6 to the 00 series of amendments to Regulation No. 86 (proposal to update the regulation on agricultural vehicle lighting: document AVLI-01-03/Rev.1) updated to 5 November 2013.
AVLI-01-03/Rev.2b | Working draft "2b" of the amendment to update UN Regulation No. 86 Resulting from the decisions taken during the second session of AVLI Bonn, 2/3 December 2013.
GRE/2013/64 | Proposal for draft amendments to Regulation No. 70 Proposal to introduce new Class 5 devices made solely of retro-reflective plates with chevron type pattern to be applied to special utility vehicles or trailers not regularly covered by standard rear marking plates in order to harmonize existing national requirements.
GRE/2013/65 | Proposal for draft amendments to Regulation No. 104 Proposal to introduce a new Class F marking designed with chevron-type pattern to be applied to special utility vehicles or trailers not normally covered by standard contour marking materials in order to harmonize national requirements making use of such markings.
AVLI-02-03/Rev.2 | Comments and observations matrix for the draft text on agricultural vehicle lighting: Revision 2 Further refined comments on the working draft proposal for Supplement 6 to the 00 series of amendments to Regulation No. 86 (proposal to update the regulation on agricultural vehicle lighting: document AVLI-01-03/Rev.2) updated to 3 December 2013.
AVLI-03-05 | Reversing lamps: Mounting positions above 1.2 m
5. Next steps
AVLI-01-03/Rev.2b | Working draft "2b" of the amendment to update UN Regulation No. 86 Resulting from the decisions taken during the second session of AVLI Bonn, 2/3 December 2013.
6. Any other business
7. Next meeting
8. Closing