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The EU funded EuroMed Transport Support Project
Document WP.29-173-25
14 November 2017
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
Opening remarks

7. The Senior Vehicle Regulations Expert of the EuroMed project introduced activities of the project aimed at promoting and supporting the accession of beneficiary countries to United Nations vehicle agreements. The process was carried out through a sequence of steps. The first was to introduce to beneficiary countries the legal framework for vehicle regulations in the United Nations system. The second step was a gap analysis of individual countries legal frameworks on road vehicles as compared to the United Nations system and the European Union legal framework in this field. Finally, based on the conducted country gap analysis and on discussions with the national administration stakeholders, the project would provide recommendations on changes to national legislations in the beneficiary countries. The project also would provide technical assistance to support national administrations in acceding to and applying the agreements. The EuroMed project expert updated WP.29 on the individual progress of EuroMed project beneficiary countries in acceding to and implementing United Nations vehicle agreements. The expert concluded his presentation by indicating that EuroMed project beneficiary countries face a series of individual challenges and needs for assistance in applying provisions of the United Nations vehicle agreements. He invited Contracting Parties and representatives of the industry to provide support to EuroMed countries to correctly implement the United Nations vehicle agreements.