36. The representative of the United States of America, Chair of GRSP, informed WP.29 about the results made by his group during its sixty-eighth session (for details see the session report ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/68).
36bis. (Reserved)
37. The World Forum noted that GRSP agreed to establish an Ad Hoc Group to study the impact of the latest series of amendments to the UN Regulation No. 22 (Protective Helmets) on the helmet and helmet accessories industries. The Chair of GRSP explained the GRSP position on the type-approval issued by Poland for a belt-guide device and reported to WP.29 on the outcome of discussion which took place at the sixty-eight session of GRSP.
38. The World Forum noted that Mr. M. Koubek (United States of America) as Chair and Mr. H.G. Kim (Republic of Korea) as Vice-Chair were re-elected for the year 2021.