Working Party on General Safety | Session 119 | 6-9 Oct 2020
Agenda Item 4. (b)
UN Regulation No. 151 (Blind Spot Information Systems)

32. The expert from the IWG VRU-Proxi introduced document GRSG-119-05, “Future Ideas for Regulation 151”, and document GRSG-119-06, containing suggestions for amending UN Regulation No. 151.

33. GRSG reviewed GRSG-119-06 and, upon a technical discussion and comments from experts from France, Germany, the European Commission and OICA, agreed to consider an updated version of the document at its April 2021 session.

34. GRSG reviewed ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2020/105 and confirmed its submission for consideration and vote at the November 2020 session of WP.29/AC.1.

GRSG-119-05 UN R151: Suggestion for an Alternative Blind Spot Information Dynamic Test (Germany)
GRSG-119-06 UN R151: Future ideas for the development of the Regulation (Germany)
WP.29/2020/105 UN R151: Proposal for Supplement 2