World Forum for the Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations | Session 174 | 12-16 Mar 2018
Agenda Item 18.11.
Electric vehicles and the environment

168. The representative from Canada provided an update on the latest activities of the IWG on EVE, on behalf of EVE leadership. He indicated that there has been one meeting of the EVE IWG since the November 2017 WP.29 session, on 8 January 2018 in Geneva. He noted that IWG continued to make progress on its assigned areas of work and on developing a draft GTR for the determination of power of electrified vehicles. He reported that the drafting group was making good progress and laboratories had been identified in Europe, Asia and North America for validation testing. He added that the group was hoping to begin validation testing in the spring or summer of 2018, that the Joint Research Centre (JRC) had led the development of a model to estimate the durability of EV batteries. He stated that this model had been validated against long-term Electric Vehicle testing data supplied by Canada. The model and test data show good correlation. Several Canadian and European group members are collaborating on a report of the results that may be published in a technical journal. The IWG continued to work closely with the IWG on WLTP to ensure that the work of the two groups was complimentary and avoid duplication of efforts. The next meetings of the EVE IWG would be a two-day meeting in Tokyo on 27 and 28 March and half-day meeting in Geneva during the week of GRPE in June. The IWG was optimistic that it would have a power determination UN GTR ready for approval by AC.3 in November 2019 and a first draft of a report on the status of battery durability research in June 2018, as outlined in the mandate.

169. The representative from the Netherlands, Chair of GRPE, noted that GRPE was reflecting on whether it would be more appropriate that the UN GTR for the determination of power of electrified vehicles be an amendment to UN GTR No. 15 (WLTP) or a stand-alone UN GTR, and that this would be further considered at the GRPE session of June 2018.