Automatically Commanded Steering Functions | Session 4 | 25-27 Nov 2015
Agenda Item 5.9.2.

Proposed amendment: Protective Braking Any vehicle equipped with an ACSF of category E shall meet the following requirements for protective braking. If the activated system detects that the distance to other road users in front is less or will shortly be less than the foreseen safety distance and that the time for a safe transition procedure is too short, a protective braking shall be carried out. If the activated system detects that due to a sudden unexpected event the vehicle is in imminent danger to collide with another road user in front and that the time for a safe transition procedure is too short, a protective braking shall be carried out. The protective braking must be able to deliver the full braking force of the vehicle in order to achieve a maximum deceleration. The tests EM1A and EM1B and EM2 as specified in Annex 7 shall be fulfilled.

(D): A requirement to prevent unintended overriding should be included here
(OICA): Is “protective braking” as a special paragraph necessary, or is it part of “emergency manoeuvre” (
(D): “Protective braking” is not only for emergency cases, also for “standard” ACC braking.
(OICA): Also other measures can be used to adjust the speed.
(Chair): Maybe a change to “braking requirements” could be helpful
(J): Is a digital map always necessary for ACSF systems?
(OICA): No, not in general.
(J): How can a test been performed, if the test track is not in the digital map?
(OICA): The test track can be included in the digital map, but this cannot been confirmed under all conditions today.

Homework: D to propose a new text (considering