Working Party on Automated and Connected Vehicles | Session 15 | 23-27 Jan 2023
Agenda Item 6. (c)
ADAS/UN R79: Other business

99. The expert from Japan presented the outcome (GRVA-15-22) of the preliminary meeting organized to develop draft terms of reference for a new IWG on Acceleration Control for Pedal Error (ACPE). He introduced GRVA-15-07, containing the draft Terms of Reference prepared by the group.

100. The expert from OICA announced that he would support it, if there was a positive decision regarding the establishment of the group. He invited the group to reflect on the differences between Autonomous Emergency Braking System (AEBS) and ACPE, on the need to include N1 vehicles (often driven by professional drivers) in the scope of the group, on the compatibility of such system with the road traffic safety conventions of WP.1 and on the need to further review data from other contracting parties. The expert from the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland supported GRVA-15-07. He encouraged experts to share and review data to support the work at the IWG. He mentioned that a first review of data in London led to identify that professional driver could also benefit from such systems and therefore recommended to not immediately exclude certain vehicle categories.

101. The expert from Japan explained that the speed of operation was the main discriminant between AEBS and ACPE. He pointed at paragraph 3 to the draft ToR mentioning a review of the Geneva and Vienna Convention on Road Traffic safety, if necessary.

102. Informal document GRVA-15-07/Rev.1 reflected the nomination of Japan and Germany as Co-Chairs, as well as OICA as Secretary to the Group. GRVA-15-07/Rev.2 included an attempt by OICA to guide the group regarding other vehicle categories than M1 and N1.

103. GRVA agreed to request the approval for the establishment of the IWG on Acceleration Control for Pedal Error at the WP.29 session in March 2023. GRVA adopted GRVA-15-07/Rev.3, prepared by the secretariat, and reproduced in Annex IV to the report, as the ToR and Rules of Procedures for the IWG on ACPE.

GRVA-15-07/Rev.1 Acceleration Control for Pedal Error (ACPE): Proposal to establish an informal working group (Japan)
GRVA-15-22 Report on preliminary meeting to consider acceleration control for pedal errors (ACPE) (Japan)