Working Party on Automated and Connected Vehicles | Session 13 | 23-27 May 2022
Agenda Item 5. (d)
Other business

66. The expert from China presented GRVA-13-32 containing a proposal to launch a dedicated task force to carry out preliminary research on the feasibility and necessity of globally harmonized common guidance of data security at WP.29 level. The expert detailed the activities in China related to this topic, including the Framework of Data Security Standards in China, as well as similar activities in other countries and regions.

67. The expert from the United States of America did not support the establishment of an additional GRVA subgroup and proposed that the IWG on Cyber Security and OTA issues should look at the issue. Some experts raised questions for clarification and asked about the potential outcome of such an activity.

68. GRVA requested the IWG on Cyber Security and OTA issues to organize a meeting to discuss possibilities of working on data security and data protection, as well as to define concrete actions that the group could envisage, if applicable. GRVA hoped to receive feedback from the group in September 2022, if possible.

69. The expert from AUTOSAR introduced his organization (GRVA-13-46), in line with the decision of AC.2 at its June 2021 session.

GRVA-13-32 Proposal for Data Security of Intelligent and Connected Vehicles (China)
GRVA-13-46 Standardization of future mobility technologies (AutoSAR)