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(Latest 13 July 2016)
1. Welcome and roll call
2. Adoption of the agenda
3. Approval of the report of the previous session

Minutes of the 58th meeting were reviewed and agreed without modification.

CRS-58-08 | Draft minutes of the 58th CRS informal group session
4. Report of the 59th session of GRSP

In this document, Pierre CASTAING (UTAC & Chairman) presents main important points & decisions taken during the 59th GRSP meeting in May 2016.

CRS-59-06 | Report to the CRS informal group on the 59th session of GRSP Presentation of outcomes of the 59th GRSP session of relevance to child restraints and the CRS informal group.
5. Amendments to UN R16 and UN R14

5.1. CLEPA Presentation (François RENAUDIN from DOREL)

ISO / CD 13216-3 which has proposed new Booster fixtures was positive. However, ISO committee decided to consider the comment from France for a revision of the buckling area., After several iterations a proposal was accepted by the committee members and circulated under ISO N1152 reference.

All fixtures have been updated. 3D & Drawing are available.

CRS-59-07 | UN R129: ISO booster fixture agreement

5.2. OICA Presentation (Ansgar POTT from HYUNDAI)

In the first presentation CRS-59-08e, Ansgar POTT (HYUNDAI) shows us modification made in the documents and proposal for the Reg. n° 16.

In the second presentation CRS-59-09e, Ansgar POTT (HYUNDAI) shows proposal for Reg. n° 14.
Hans AMMERLAAN (RDW) made in the past, proposal for mass limit for the use of Isofix connectors for non-integral products. Ansgar POTT (HYUNDAY) highlight that we have to limit mass of booster seat.

According to Pierre CASTAING (UTAC & Chairman), there is currently limitation for Isofix connector, top tether anchorage and support leg position but for I-size products. We can add these limitations for boosters seats but it must be done after a study on the loads transmitted through isofix connectors by non integral CRS.

We have to check that :

  • To keep consistency between CRS and car regulations, Class A, B & C deleted in OICA proposals for R14 and R16should be also removed from R44 and R129 reg.
  • Isofix fixations are only defined for i-Size ECRS and specific vehicle isofix ECRS. Is it possible to use them for other categories (hybrid products, belted and isofix) Should a pitch angle be applied on booster seat or not?

Ansgar POTT (HYUNDAI) asked the group to check both proposals CRS-59-08e & CRS-59-09e and send comments, reactions & remarks before mid of July 2016 in order to be taken into account in the final proposal.

CRS-59-08 | Proposal for Supplement 9 to the 06 series of amendments and Supplement 1 to the 07 series of amendments to Regulation No. 16 Working draft proposal to update UN R16 in accordance with the Phase 2 development of UN Regulation Nos. 44 and 129 on child restraint systems, especially with regard to the ISO booster-seat fixtures (B2 and B3).
CRS-59-09 | Proposal for Supplement 7 to the 07 series of amendments to Regulation No. 14 Proposal to align provision of the UN R14 with the phase 2 (02 series of amendments) development of UN R129 on child restraint systems.
6. Work on UN R129 Phase III

6.1. Action plan (Principles)

For Pierre CASTAING (UTAC & Chairman); the current gabarit is for i-size products but the buckling access is not take into account. Then, we have to solve it. Can we have same provisions as B1, B2 & B3?

We agreed with the fact that the phase III is same as phase I except for the fixation of the CRS with safety belt instead of use of Isofix connectors.

We also have to handle the routing of the adult safety belt.

According to Pierre CASTAING (UTAC & Chairman), we have to found the best belt routing for phase III products and take into account the buckle access in CRS gabarit but we do not have to change the gabarit use for car manufacturer.

Question from Tommy PETTERSSON (VTI): Is it possible to add R3 gabarit for the universal position?

6.2. Installation Procedure

Phase III seatbelt use for CRS fixation (Philippe LESIRE from LAB) CRS-59-10e

The goal is to ensure that the approval of products with a complex belt routing is not possible.
From a study on the market, some “good” and “poor” belt routing where highlight for forward and rearward facing. ISO method for scoring the ease of use of CRS will be use during evaluation in July 2016.

Farid BENDJELLAL from BRITAX: do we have to take into account the car environment as new technologies (belt & bag), buckles access, buckle interaction?

For James ABRAHAM (FORD) by forcing CRS manufacturer to have kind of universal installation for belted CRS, you will impose the belt anchorage position to the car manufacturer. For Pierre CASTAING (UTAC & Chairman), pre-tensioners are not take into account and can have big influence on child safety if accident, and then we have to think about.

Ansgar POTT (HYUNDAI): this work is more relevant for the CRS manufacturer but it could be important to have frequently feedback from this subgroup.

Pierre CASTAING (UTAC & Chairman) ask to OICA : it could be good if OICA can share and give whishes about the best use of their adult safety belt, and which kind of CRS belt routing are well design or not. OICA could send these remarks and wishes to this subgroup. Does OICA have some constraints (geometry, block the buckle, block the retractor ,) to be given to the subgroup?

Pierre CASTAING (UTAC & Chairman) asks to CLEPA: could you confirm that some current products are difficult to be installed and the fact that the work from this subgroup can help the ease of use and avoid lot of misuse in the future?

Farid BENDJELLAL from BRITAX: when do have to provide this work, when is the dead line of this sub group. For Pierre CASTAING (UTAC & Chairman), it could be nice to have formal document for May 2017.

CRS-59-10 | UN R129 - Phase 3: seatbelt use for CRS fixation Presentation on scope and content for the third-phase development of UN R129.
7. Proposal of amendment of Phases I and II of UN R129

7.1. Carrycot

We will change L1 &L2 gabarit in Reg. n° 16. Marianne HYND (Newell Rubber Maid) will send the drawing package to OICA.

7.2. Integral ECRS with Shield systems

CLEPA will comes back with resolution later and complete document.

7.3. UMTRI installation procedure

Today, according to François RENAUDIN (DOREL), there are two different UMTRI procedures. One is for dynamic test and one for static evaluation of the adult belt routing on the dummy. The second subject is link to the dummy jacket with grid.

For the first procedure, up to now we can have data as tools are not ready. Labs have not serial production hip liner and can have only some prototype.

We will come back with results to the Chairman when tools & data will be available but CLEPA share first tests results with prototype.

Dinos VISVIKIS (CYBEX) makes the presentation CRS-59-14e. It is presented test results with & without UMTRI procedure at different test condition (without CRS, with good CRS & poor CRS). It was highlight that the new UMTRI procedures do not improve and increase submarining. The main problem is maybe coming from Q3 with bad design?

In the presentation CRS-59-15e, François RENAUDIN (DOREL) show also different tests results by comparison with / without UMTRI procedure. Tests was performed with Q3, Q6 & Q10; with a R44 booster CRS. In conclusion, with the CRS tested, UMTRI provokes important increase of head acceleration for Q6 & Q10 and not for Q3 and do not change other performance criteria.

CRS-59-14 | UMTRI child restraint test procedure: overview of the seating procedure Review of the UMTRI seating procedure performance towards informing the development of phase 2 of UN R129.
CRS-59-15 | UMTRI child restraints dynamic test procedure

7.4. Potential conflict between support leg and CRS envelope (CLEPA)

According to Marianne HYND (Newell Rubber Maid), there is some grey area about the support leg area between F2x & R2 envelope.

For Pierre CASTAING (UTAC & Chairman), if there is problem of interpretation of paragraph [so] we have to change / adapt it in order to be clear for everybody but the IG agree that we can use this space.

The document CRS-59-12e is presented by Farid BENDJELLAL (BRITAX). The presentation highlight question about the use of the anti-rotation for belted CRS. Is support leg and top tether will be allowed? Today, the support leg position area is link to the isofix anchorage positions, but for phase III, products will be installed with adult safety belt, then should we change / increase this area? Could it be link to the buckle anchorage point?

Ansgar POTT (HYUNDAI). For forward facing belted products, the anti-rotation device is provided by the diagonal adult safety belt. For the support leg, do we have to test few area for the floor? Which area?

Pierre CASTAING (UTAC & Chairman), Universal products shall not use top tether. Top tether is for i-size or Isofix products, not for belted universal products. If the use of the top tether is only for passing test, we are making wrong way about the use of top tether. Today the Universal position is not link to the floor or to the top tether position.

CRS-59-12 | CLEPA thoughts on the phase III development of UN R129

7.5. Increased Pulse

Item not discussed.

7.6. Non integral Internal measurements (TRL)

Mark PITCHER from TRL makes the CRS-59-13e presentation as there is some interaction between the tools with the headrest when measuring the shoulder height for Non-integral products. The proposal from TRL is to measure only the shoulder height for any stature for Non-integral products. The IG agrees with proposal from TRL.

Erik SALTERS (DOREL), it’s also important to know how to use and make correct measurement with the measuring device.

Test methodologies for the measuring device are worked out by TSG.

CRS-59-13 | UN R129: Non-integral CRS internal geometry measurements Proposal to extend requirements for the maximum dimensions of shoulder height to non-integral enhanced CRS.

7.7. Definition of a “Mechanism” (VTI).

The document CRS-59-11e presented by Tommy PETTERSSON (VTI) is coming from TSG group. Today, there is lot of i-size products on the market with visible & audible system to avoid the misuse, but there is also some products with only visible system. As some CRS manufacturer & labs are not in the IG and then does not know the philosophy of the [paragraph], they can then have different point of interpretation. The following proposal from TSG group is made: Without the anti-rotation device and without the shoulder strap positioner in use, unless a visual [or/and] an audible warning signal mechanism is provided to prevent incorrect use of the anti-rotation device and/or the shoulder strap positioner.

The IG proposes the following [paragraph] (included in CRS-59-11e Rev1) Without the anti-rotation device and / or without the shoulder strap positioner in use, unless:
  • a mechanism or
  • a visual and an audible warning signal

is provided to prevent incorrect use of the anti-rotation device and/or the shoulder strap positioner.

But, finally, the decision of the IG is to split in two different [paragraphs]. Modification will be performed by the Chairman & the Secretary.

CRS-59-11 | Proposal of clarification to UN R129 from the Technical Services Group Proposal to revise paragraph as "Without the anti-rotation device and without the shoulder strap positioner in use, unless a visual [or/and] an audible warning signal mechanism is provided to prevent incorrect use of the anti-rotation device and/or the shoulder strap positioner."
CRS-59-11/Rev.1 | Proposal of clarification to UN R129 from the Technical Services Group (revised) Proposal to revise paragraph to prevent incorrect use as "Without the anti-rotation device and/or without the shoulder strap positioner in use, unless:<ul><li>a mechanism or</li><li>a visual and an audible warning signal</li></ul>is provided to prevent incorrect use of the anti-rotation device and/or the shoulder strap positioner."
8. Phase-out of regulation R44 ISOFIX

Ronald VROMAN (ANEC) gives an update about the general agreement for GRSP for phase out of regulation R44 ISOFIX. GRSP agreed on the CI-proposal to stop granting approvals for Isofix CRS under R44. This is arranged in the transitional provisions and applies to integral Isofix CRS.  No new approvals can be granted as of September 2017, no extensions after September 2020. Multi group seats covering at least group 2 are exempted. So baby and/or toddler Isofix CRS can only be approved according to R129 in the near future.

9. Next meeting

9.1. Workshop will be on the 12th September, BAST – Bergisch-Gladbach; 13pm-17:00pm
9.2. 60th meeting will be on the 13th September, BAST – Bergisch-Gladbach; 9am-16:30pm
9.3. 61st meeting will be on the19th October, CLEPA – Brussel; 9.30am-17:00pm

9. Any other business