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(Latest 16 May 2014)
1. Welcome and introduction
2. Adoption of the agenda
GFV-32-01 | Draft agenda for the 32nd GFV informal group session
3. Approval of the minutes of the previous session
GFV-30-05 | Report of the 30th GFV informal working group
GFV-31-03 | Report of the 31st GFV informal working group session Report from the special session focused on retrofit heavy-duty dual fuel systems.
4. GFV issues related to implementation of WLTP
5. HDDF retrofit open issues list plus discussion
GFV-30-04 | Oustanding Issues List for HDDF Retrofit Activity Spreadsheet detailing the status of issues being addressed under the heavy-duty vehicle dual-fuel retrofit systems program.
6. Closing GFV – starting TF HDDF retrofit
7. Task Force HDDF retrofit
8. Planning upcoming Meetings of GFV & Task Forces
9. Close