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(Latest 3 July 2013)
1. Opening

Mr Schauer welcomed the participants and thanked Mr Reichert and BMVBS for the invitation and the hosting of the meeting. He opened the meeting at 08:00 hrs.

2. Roll call of the participants

The participants introduced themselves (see also Document TFAC 02-07).

3. Continuation of the Review of the Document

The discussion continued in the meeting starting with Chapter 5 of Annex 5. Amendments have been included in document TFAC 02-13 Draft Agricultural Couplings_2013-06-25.

It was discussed in general whether the static testing of couplings, which is presently state of legislation in the EU up to a maximum design speed of 40 km/h should also be included in the UN Regulation. During this discussion, a common position could not be established.

Therefore it was agreed that a document with arguments to keep current EU legislation (static test) should be prepared and during the next meeting it shall be aimed at reaching consensus on this topic.

TFAC-02-13 | Draft text for mechanical couplings of agricultural vehicles (version 25 June 2013)

Report on the status of the agreed activities:

Proposal for Class q and r (CUNA Couplings)
Pending. Will be discussed during the 3rd meeting.

Proposal for Class I, proposal for clause 4.10
The proposal not to define an own class of couplings for the tractor drawbar couplings in document TFAC 02-05 was not accepted. Stefano Pagliarani agreed to propose an appropriate classification together with the proposal on “CUNA Couplings”.

The proposal for clause 4.10 in document TFAC 02-05 was accepted.

Compare proposals Va and V
Pending. Will be discussed during the 3rd meeting.

Check possibility for a vehicle approval according to Chapter 5 of R 55
Pending. Will be discussed during the 3rd meeting.

Consider IT-Proposals for Annex 4
Pending. Will be discussed during the 3rd meeting.

TFAC-02-05 | Proposal concerning agricutural vehicle coupling devices Schauer proposals concerning classification of tractor drawbars and their hitch rings and to limit the coupling device actuating force to 40 daN.
TFAC-02-05 | Proposal concerning agricutural vehicle coupling devices Schauer proposals concerning classification of tractor drawbars and their hitch rings and to limit the coupling device actuating force to 40 daN.
4. Further steps

The activities mentioned on the top of the minutes were agreed:

Agreed activitiesDateResponsible
Proposal for Chapter 6 of Annex 52013-09-25Afflerbach
Proposal to transfer Class j to Class a and Class k to Class b2013-09-25Afflerbach
Prepare document with arguments to keep current EU legislation (static test) and discuss next meeting2013-09-25Pagliarani
Review Annex 6, Chapter 3.6.2 and make proposals for amendment if need be2013-09-25Graser, Afflerbach, Conrads
Proposal for the definition of tractor drawbars and their hitch rings in an own Class2013-09-25Pagliarani

5. Any other business

The dates of the 3rd (2013-09-25/26, Bologna) meeting were agreed.

At the end of the meeting, Mr Schauer thanked Mr Reichert again for hosting the meeting and providing meeting location for the 2nd meeting of TFAC.

Mr Schauer closed the meeting at 16:00 hrs.