World Forum for the Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations | Session 160 | 25-28 Jun 2013
Agenda Item 14.2.
Proposal for a global technical regulation on tyres

100. The representative of the United Kingdom, Chair of the IWG on the UN GTR on Tyres, informed AC.3 that five questions were still unresolved. He confirmed that two Contracting Parties were still in the process of reviewing the text of the draft UN GTR. Referring to the final report on the development of the UN GTR (WP.29-160-09), he stated that, in the case of disagreement at the September 2013 session of GRRF, an optional test procedure should be included in addition to the two optional modules.

101. The representative of EU stated that a really long list of controversial provisions had been solved by March 2013 and, due to the five remaining unresolved questions, the UN GTR could not be adopted during the current session. He urged the Contracting Parties to make an effort to solve the pending issues at the September 2013 session of GRRF, thus allowing for voting on the draft UN GTR at the November 2013 session of AC.3.

102. The secretariat was requested to distribute WP.29-160-09 with an official symbol for consideration at the November 2013 session of AC.3.

WP.29-160-09 Proposal for the final report of the Phase I development of the GTR on Tires
WP.29/2012/125 Preliminary report on the development of a GTR for pneumatic radial tires (France)
WP.29/2013/63 Proposal for a global technical regulation on tyres