Working Party on General Safety | Session 108 | 4-8 May 2015
Agenda Item 18. (c)
Event data recorders (EDR)

66. Referring to GRSG-108-34, the expert from UK underlined the need to develop a harmonized regulation on data recording for automated vehicles and suggested inserting a new item to the agenda of the 109th session of GRSG. He volunteered to prepare a concrete proposal on this subject. GRSG welcomed and endorsed the suggestion. Following the discussion, the Chair announced his intention to inform WP.29 and its Subgroup on Intelligent Transport System / Automated Driving (ITS/AD) about this future activity by GRSG and to coordinate the work on automated vehicles within the subsidiary Working Parties. GRSG expected to receive guidance from ITS/AD on the need for a new regulation on EDR and the extent of its content.

GRSG-108-34 Proposal for new agenda item on Event Data Recorders (UK)