World Forum for the Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations | Session 161 | 12-15 Nov 2013
Agenda Item 4.3.
Development of the International Whole Vehicle Type Approval (IWVTA) system

48. The representative of France, chairing the IWG on IWVTA, gave a general overview of the outcome of the two meetings held in Paris and Bonn prior to the WP.29 session. The representative of Japan, chairing the IWVTA subgroup on the development of UN Regulation No. 0, reported on the group’s work progress (WP.29-161-17). He recalled that the main objective of the IWVTA was the extension of the mutual recognition of vehicle systems and components to whole vehicles. He added that the subgroup recognized that this objective could not be achieved in a single step. UN Regulation No. 0 would thus allow, in a first step, a partial IWVTA limited to M1 category of vehicles. This partial type approval would need completion by national or regional approvals. At a future point, a complete whole vehicle approval would be possible. He described the working assumptions concerning the rights and obligations of the Contracting Parties (CPs) applying UN Regulation No. 0 and that it was foreseen to annually update UN Regulation No. 0. He presented the structure of UN Regulation No. 0 and two tentative lists with UN Regulations for further review that would need to be complied with for obtaining a Whole Vehicle Type Approval. List A contained thirty-nine UN Regulations that could already be included in the first step of the partial IWVTA. List B contained fourteen UN Regulations that would need amendment before their inclusion into list A. The representative of Japan also reported on the foreseen evolution of UN Regulation No. 0 and highlighted that the ultimate goal of IWVTA was the universal Whole Vehicle Type Approval mutually recognized by all CPs applying UN Regulation No. 0 without any additional national requirements. An additional further step would include vehicle categories other than M1. He concluded his presentation by indicating that the subgroup intended to complete the drafting of the partial IWVTA requirements by March 2016 and announced that the next meeting of the subgroup was scheduled to be held in Japan on 21-23 January 2014. He added that the latest version of draft UN Regulation No. 0 was available.

49. The representative of EU supported this process and the efforts achieved. He underlined the need for agreement on the list of UN Regulations to be included in UN Regulation No. 0. The representative of OICA joined the EU in this support and added that the IWVTA was of the highest importance for the automotive industry.

SGR0-08-13 Working draft of the UN Regulation on the international approval of whole vehicles
WP.29-161-15 Consolidated proposals for the revised 1958 Agreement
WP.29-161-16 Review of the 1958 Agreement
WP.29-161-17 Progress Towards an International Whole Vehicle Type Approval Scheme
WP.29/2013/134 Proposal for Revision 3 of the 1958 Agreement