Working Party on Pollution and Energy | Session 69 | 5-6 Jun 2014
Agenda Item 3. (a)
Worldwide harmonized Light vehicles Test Procedure (WLTP)

6. The GRPE Chair recalled the establishment in the Global Registry of UN Global Technical Regulation No. 15 on WLTP by WP.29 and AC.3.

7. Introducing GRPE-69-20, the Chair of the IWG on WLTP presented the work done since the last GRPE session and recalled the list of open issues that needed to be addressed by the IWG in Phase 1b. He reported that the task force dealing with coasting (sailing) might not be able to provide an acceptable proposal. He announced that the Drafting Coordinator had reported on a number of necessary corrections to UN GTR No. 15, and added that no Corrigendum would be proposed at this stage. The Group preferred to introduce them together with other amendments at the end of Phase 1b. He finally outlined the WLTP Phase 1b road map and announced the forthcoming WLTP IWG meetings scheduled in 2014 and 2015.

8. He concluded by informing GRPE about the next meetings of the group and requested the secretariat to reserve a room for a meeting prior to the January 2015 GRPE session.

9. GRPE acknowledged the status of these activities and agreed with the proposal.

10. The expert from EC reported (GRPE-69-17) on the ongoing work on the transposition of the GTR into the European Union (EU) legislation. He added that amendments to existing UN Regulations or new UN Regulation(s) would be developed in a second step. He introduced GRPE-69-16 providing a first draft retaining the UNECE formatting principles. At the request of the expert from Italy, he clarified that the weighting factors would not be transposed. The expert from OICA stated that further information on the transposition and whether WLTP would (i) become a new UN Regulation replacing existing Regulations or would (ii) amend UN Regulations Nos. 83 and 101. The GRPE Chair recalled that WLTP provisions were planned to be part of IWVTA and that the transposition process should take this aspect into consideration.

GRPE-69-16 Snapshot of progress in the development of the EU UNECE WLTP (EC)
GRPE-69-17 Transposition of WLTP into European Legislation (EC)
GRPE-69-20 Status report of the WLTP Informal Working Group