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(Latest 29 October 2013)
1. Welcome and introductions
2. Adoption of the agenda
GFV-28-01 | Agenda for the 28th GFV informal group session
GFV-28-01/Rev.1 | Revised agenda for the 28th GFV informal group session
3. Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting
GFV-27-05 | Minutes of the 27th GFV informal group session
GFV-26-09 | Minutes of the 26th GFV informal group session
4. Update on dual - fuel retrofit regulation progress
GFV-28-02 | Retrofit Heavy Duty Dual Fuel Overview and update on the proposed new regulation on retrofit dual-fuel systems for heavy-duty vehicles.
GFV-28-03 | Working draft of the proposed new regulation on heavy-duty dual-fuel retrofit systems Initial draft version of the new Regulation on "uniform provisions concerning the approval of specific LPG (liquefied petroleum gases) or NG (compressed natural gas/bio-methane/liquefied natural gas) dual fuel retrofit systems and dual fuel retrofitted engines to be installed in heavy duty applications".
5. Update on European Commission ‘potpourri amendments’ progress
6. Updating Regulation 115
7. Update on other UN regulatory activities related to safety
GFV-28-05 | Proposal for amendments to Regulation No. 110 Copy of the proposal to introduce type approval provisions for "valve control at stop-start" into UN R110 (originally submitted to the Working Party on General Safety as document GRSG/2013/26 for consideration at their October 2013 session).
GFV-28-04 | Proposal for amendments to Regulation No. 67 Copy of the proposal to introduce type approval provisions for "valve control at stop-start" into UN R67, submitted to the Working Party on General Safety as document GRSG/2013/24 for consideration at its October 2013 session.
GFV-28-06 | Proposal for amendments to the draft Supplement 1 to the 01 series of amendments to Regulation No. 110 Copy of the proposal to clarify the text concerning automatic valves in the draft Supplement 1 to the 01 series of amendments to UN R110, submitted to the Working Party on General Safety as document GRSG/2013/28 for consideration at their October 2013 session.
8. Any other business
GFV-28-07 | NG/Biomethane Fuel Specification in Europe Presentation on the European vehicle natural gas market and EC program to establish a European standard for a quality specification for biomethane to be used as a fuel for vehicle engines; and a Technical Specification or European Norm for a quality specification for biomethane to be injected into natural gas pipelines.
9. Next meetings
10. Adjournment