World Forum for the Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations | Session 170 | 15-18 Nov 2016
Agenda Item 17.
Exchange of information on new priorities to be included in the programme of work

120. The Chair of AC.3 thanked the secretariat for reordering the agenda to provide adequate time to discuss the priorities and the future programme for GTR development. He noted the adoption of Special Resolution No. 2 and discussions at previous session, in particular at the forty-seventh session in June 2016 where he asked delegations to present ideas and suggestions at the current session.

121. The representative of the European Union informed AC.3 of informal discussions with Japan and the United States of America in order to assist this process. The EU expects to present a document to the March 2017 session, and invited all Contracting Parties to provide their contributions to the process.

122. The Chair welcomed this initiative but urged the Contracting Parties to recognize the rapid development that was taking place in the vehicle and component industries and that the opportunity for globally harmonized regulations would be increasingly difficult without rapid development of new regulatory measures.

123. In order to stimulate discussion, the Chair identified a number of technologies such as vehicle automation, communications into the vehicle, Lane Keeping Assist Systems, Data Storage Systems for Automated Driving, Automated Emergency Braking for light duty vehicles and, potentially, a GTR for Automatically Commanded Steering Functions.

124. The representative of FIA recommended prioritizing the work on cybersecurity and data protection while also highlighting the need to address automation, hybrid and electric vehicles. The representative of OICA generally agreed with the suggestions of the Chair on the issues of Lane Keeping Assist Systems and Automated Emergency Braking for light duty vehicles, and added that attention could also be given to the global harmonization of the specifications of Event Data Recorders, taking into account the expected revision of the EU General Safety Regulation, where several of these technologies are under consideration. He, however, also stressed the need to avoid existing work at GRRF being slowed down, since this ongoing work is of very high importance. He also highlighted the challenges of developing regulations for very advanced technologies that are still evolving, especially when they address high levels of vehicle automation.

125. In noting the document deadline of 5 December 2016, the Chair invited all participants to contribute their thoughts and suggestions as a matter of urgency to the secretariat in anticipation of a meaningful discussion at the March 2017 session. He concluded by inviting the secretariat to carry forward the same agenda structure for the next session.