Informal Group on Amendments to UN R55.01 | Session 12 | 14-15 Jan 2016
Agenda Item 5.4.
Item 20 (Heavy transports)

Since last meeting no new facts have been put forward. Delegates realized the benefit of having such an agreed handling of heavy transports. The chairman argued whether it was correct to have this kind of rules in the type approval regulations. Mr. Svensson argued towards that, that it had already since long been recognized by the legislator that couplings are in this respect a bit special as being so to speak the interface between two vehicles. A performance value as verified by the procedures in Annex 6 has no value if you do not at the same time tell how it may be utilized. Similar arrangements may be found in other regulations such as tires for instance. This proposal is just expanding or complementing what is already found in the regulation. Most countries have their own rules set up. It was agreed that Mr. Svensson shall elaborate a more finalized proposal to the next meeting based on the R55-10-13.

R55-10-13 Proposal concerning mechanical coupling test performance and speed dependence