Working Party on Passive Safety | Session 53 | 13-17 May 2013
Agenda Item 4. (b)
Harmonization of side impact dummies

13. The expert from the United States, Chair of the IWG on harmonization of side impact dummies, gave an oral report on the progress of work of the group. She clarified that while the development of the pole side impact UN GTR had been finalized, the drafting of the addendum for the M.R.1 was currently on hold for two main reasons:

 (a) While the drawing package of the WorldSID 50th percentile was public, the copyright on other documents needed for the addendum was held by ISO. She informed GRSP that ISO had agreed to make these available free of charge if used in the UN GTR, but would prefer that they were incorporated by reference rather than copied.

  (b) National Highway Transport Safety Administration had conducted some high-speed pendulum tests and discovered that contact had occurred between the pelvis and the lumbar spine. Because of the higher severity of the pendulum test than the UN GTR test, she clarified that it would not be an issue. However, she stated that laboratories had conducted follow-up tests to investigate and determine if it would be an issue and the outcome of this research would be announced at the next session of GRSP.

14. Finally, she stated that her group believed that WorldSID dummy would be ready for incorporation into the PSI UN GTR as a reliable test tool and that a solution should be found for an alternate reference to the location of the dummy information until the addendum to the M.R.1. would be approved (see para. 10 above).

WP.29/AC.3/28 Proposal to develop a new global technical regulation on pole side impact (Australia)