Electric Vehicle Safety | Session 4 | 14-16 Oct 2013
Agenda Item 7.
Roadmap for establishing the GTR

Options (1 step, 2 steps)

Japan showed its intention to support 2 steps approach, since they are facing urgent necessity to have GTR as soon as possible. Japan proposed 1st step as by the 2014, 2nd step by the 2017.

China showed its request to have GTR contents agreed by the end of 2015 with background needs from its country, and prefer 1 step approach assuming that the future revision is expected accordingly. China also has an intension to submit the informal document to GRSP by the 2015 for the extension of due if necessary.

Canada prefers 1 step. Considering the discussion status, it looks like very hard to be in time for 2014. From their internal approval process, and Canadian situation in line with USA, Canada prefer single complete one than partial GTR as temporally solution but cannot say by when to be extent.

Korea would like to have 2 steps approach because of urgent necessity of GTR as 1st step at 2014.
EU prefers 2 steps approach since TOR requested.

OICA is ready to contribute recognising progress, thus and considering the urgency for GTR, OICA support 2 steps approach as first step as soon as possible.

Since USA is absent to this meeting, EVS decide not to conclude any for options and ask WP29 and OICA for their feedback.