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Geneva hybrid session
(Latest 22 December 2021)
| Agenda | Formal | Informal | Report |

1. The World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations (WP.29) held its 185th session from 23 to 25 November 2021 , chaired by Mr. A. Erario (Italy). The following countries were represented, following Rule 1 of the Rules of Procedure of WP.29 (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/690/Rev.1): Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Canada, China, Congo, Czech Republic, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Morocco, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Republic of Korea, Romania, Russian Federation, Slovakia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Tunisia, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and United States of America. Representatives of the European Union participated. The following international organization was represented: International Telecommunication Union (ITU). The following non-governmental organizations were also represented: Association for Emissions Control by Catalyst (AECC), Consumers International (CI), European Association of Automotive Suppliers (CLEPA/MEMA/JAPIA) , International Motor Vehicle Inspection Committee (CITA), Fédération International de l’Automobile (FIA), Federation of European Motorcyclists’ Associations, International Automotive Lighting and Light Signalling Expert Group (GTB), International Motorcycle Manufacturers Association (IMMA), International Organization of Motor Vehicle Manufacturers (OICA), International Road Transport Union (IRU), European Tyre and Rim Technical Association (ETRTO) and SAE International. Other non-governmental organizations were represented following Rule 1(d): American Automotive Policy Council (AAPC), Secure America’s Future Energy (SAFE) and World Bicycle Industry Association (WBIA). Other non-governmental organizations, private sector entities, independent experts and observers were represented: EuroMed Transport Support Project and European Committee for Standardization (CEN).

Opening remarks

2. In his opening statement, the Director of the Sustainable Transport Division, Mr. Y. Li, informed WP.29 on the promotion of Mr E. Gianotti to the vacant P4 position of the GRSG Secretary. Following this promotion, the P3 position of the GRSP Secretary became vacant. He informed WP.29 participants that the recruitment process had recently been initiated and that a related job-opening was expected to be published soon. He recalled the Secretary-General’s gender strategy and the Executive Secretary’s commitment that aimed at equal distribution of gender and geographical representation at staff of the secretariat, which is not the case for the Division yet. He requested WP.29 delegates to help spreading information on the job-opining to potential candidates and encourage eligible females to apply for the post. He also informed delegates that the Secretary of WP.29 would e-mail the job-opening and the request to help encourage females’ applications.

3. The director introduced new staff members, Ms M. Archer (P2) and Ms L Mueller (JPO), who recently joined the WP.29 secretariat team. In this respect he thanked Germany for funding of the Junior Professional Officer (JPO) position.

4. He underlined the paramount role of the Vehicle Regulations and Transport Innovations section with regard to its contribution to improve road safety and to address climate change, two main priorities of the Inland Transport Committee Strategy. He underlined that with the recent reinforcement of the section, the section would now be better in the position to address these challenges.

5. The Chair of WP.29, Mr. A. Erario (Italy) thanked the Division Director for his intervention and expressed his desire to return to full in-person meetings during next year.

1. Adoption of the agenda

6. WP.29 took note of the special procedures during COVID-19 period, which had been adopted under silence procedure on 12 November 2021 and was informed about the written voting procedures, which took place from 16 to 19 November 2021, for AC.1 and AC.3 agenda items envisaged for voting in accordance with the agenda of the 185th session of the World Forum, as well as of the live voting procedure for WP.29, AC.1 and AC.3 items, which had been scheduled to take place during online sessions with interpretation on 23 and 24 November 2021.

7. WP.29 adopted the annotated provisional agenda (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/1160 and Add.1), WP.29-185-04 and the running order of the 185th session (WP.29-185-03).

WP.29-185-03 | WP.29-185: Running order of the agenda
WP.29-185-04 | WP.29-185: Updated consolidated agenda for the November 2021 session
WP.29/1160 | WP.29-185: Annotated provision agenda for the November 2021 session
WP.29/1160/Add.1 | WP.29-185: Addendum to the annotated provisional agenda Addition of further documents submitted for the November 2021 WP.29 session.

8. The list of informal documents is reproduced in Annex I to the session report.

2. Coordination and organization of work
2.1. Report of the session of the Administrative Committee for the Coordination of Work (WP.29/AC.2)

9. The 137th session of WP.29/AC.2 (22 November 2021) was chaired by Mr. A. Erario (Italy), Chair of the World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations (WP.29), and was attended**, in accordance to Rule 29 of the terms of reference and rules of procedure of WP.29 (TRANS/WP.29/690/Rev.2) by the Chairs of GRBP (France), GRE (Finland), GRPE (Netherlands), GRSG (Italy), GRSP (United States of America), the Vice-Chairs of GRBP (Russian Federation), GRE (Netherlands), GRPE (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland), GRSG (represented by Canada delegate), GRSP (Republic of Korea), GRVA (China and Japan), the Chair and Vice-Chairs of the Executive Committee (AC.3) of the 1998 Agreement (United States of America, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and Japan), the Chair of the 1997 Agreement Administrative Committee (AC.4) (Russian Federation), the Vice-Chair of the World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations (WP.29) (Russian Federation) and by the representatives of the European Union.

10. Prior to its scheduled meeting on 22 November 2021, AC.2 held an ad-hoc virtual informal meeting on 2 November 2021 related to the special procedures during COVID-19 period in order to enable business continuity for WP.29 and its subsidiary bodies.

11. AC.2 took note of the special procedures during COVID-19 period, which had been adopted under silence procedure on 12 November 2021 and was informed about the results of the written voting procedures, which took place from 16 and 19 November 2021, for AC.1 and AC.3 items envisaged for voting in accordance with the agenda of the 185th session of the World Forum.

12. On 9 July 2021, AC.2 held an additional ad-hoc virtual informal meeting concerning the future of the Database for the Exchange of Type Approvals (DETA). The group discussed the potential broadening of its current scope to address the needs of 1997 and 1998 Agreement Contracting Parties (CPs). It also discussed potential additional functions that could be developed for the purpose of exchange information on automated vehicles technology and software, as an option of interest for 1998 Agreement Contracting. AC.2 concluded that the considerations on broadening the scope of DETA would continue within the IWG on DETA for the time being. AC.2 encouraged a broad participation of CPs of all three Agreements serviced by WP.29 in upcoming meetings of the IWG on DETA, in particular CPs of the 1997 and 1998 Agreements.

13. AC.2 resumed consideration of the Nomination/Voting of Chair/Vice-Chairs within the WP.29 family of expert groups. AC.2 identified a number of possible options that could be developed to increase the geographical representation in the leadership and to better reflect the global role of WP.29. AC.2 decided to hold an ad-hoc session dedicated to this point before the next session.

14. AC.2 reviewed the calendar of meetings for 2022. AC.2 urged the secretariat to move the currently proposed dates for the GRVA session in May 2022 as well as the WP.29 session in November 2022 at appropriate dates to allow broad participations of the delegations.

15. AC.2 resumed consideration related to potential breach of copyrights and/or intellectual property rights (see ECE/TRANS/WP.29/1159, para. 16). AC.2 invited the secretariat to prepare a short document aimed at informing stakeholders preparing documents, presentations and papers for review at WP.29, its subsidiary bodies and its IWGs, on author’s role when preparing them. AC.2 invited the secretariat to consult with the Office of Legal Affairs (OLA) in New York as this issue was considered as a UN-wide one.

16. AC.2 reviewed the draft for a programme of work for 2022, which was based on the input provided by the GRs and noted that amendments could be integrated in the document, following the next session of GRSP in December 2021. AC.2 noted a draft programme of work of the European Union presented by the European Commission, related to activities covered under WP.29. AC.2 agreed to organize an ad-hoc session dedicated to review of the draft programme of work as prepared by the Secretariat prior to the next session. AC.2 welcomed the list of priorities for 2023 that could form the basis for the next programme of work.

17. AC2 discussed the coordination of work on Automated Driving Systems (ADS). AC.2, for the sake of global harmonization, decided tasking:

  1. First, GRVA and the Informal Working Group on Functional Requirements for Automated Vehicles (FRAV) to determine the conditions, if any, under which an ADS external lighting signal should be activated and recommend to GRE to whom the signal should be displayed (drivers in other vehicles, other road users) and from where it should be visible (e.g. front, rear, side);
  2. Then, GRE (and Task Force on AVSR or an IWG) to harmonize performance requirements for an ADS light according to the conditions prepared under (a). GRE will specify the requirements for ADS lamps and their installation if needed, in cooperation with GRVA (and the IWG on FRAV);
  3. GRE and GRVA (and their respective IWG) to align the proposal on ADS lamps, if any.

Note: AC.2, in consultation with the Chairs of GRVA and GRE, will confirm deadlines during the March 2022 session of AC.2.

18. AC.2 approved participation by the Self-Driving Coalition for Safer Streets to WP.29 and subsidiary bodies under Rule 1(d) for the next two years.

19. AC.2 invited the Clean Air Association to participate in the next session of GRPE, upon invitation by the Chair under Rules 1(e), to present their activities. AC.2 invited the Automotive Open System Architecture (AUTOSAR) to participate in the next session of GRVA, upon invitation by the Chair under Rules 1(e), to present their activities.

20. AC.2 was informed on the outcome of the third session of the IWG on Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) held on 19 November 2021. AC.2 welcomed the secretariat initiative to organize series of webinars on actions of the revised UNECE roadmap on ITS. AC.2 endorsed the request for more frequent meetings of the IWG, the next one being expected in June 2022.

21. AC.2 recommended AC.4 not to convene.

22. The representative of OICA commented on the issue of the possibility of an ADS lamp (see paragraph 17 above), considering that the matter should be closely coordinated with WP.1 in order to avoid possible contradictions.

2.2. Programme of work and documentation

23. The Secretary of WP.29 introduced the list of Working Parties, Informal Working Groups and Chairs (WP.29-185-01), the calendar of meetings of the World Forum for 2022 (WP.29-185-02) and presented the revised Programme of Work (PoW) with a strategic introduction on the main priorities of the WP.29 work, which are related to the implementation of the ITC strategy 2030 and among others, to vehicle automation and environmental protection. (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2021/1/Rev.2).

24. The representatives of the United States of America and Japan expressed concern with the dates and timing of the November 2022 session of the World Forum and requested that these dates be re-adjusted to enable their full participation at that session. The representative of Japan also expressed concern with the time of WP.29 and GRs sessions in 2022 and requested that timing is decided taking into account world-wide time zones so that most participants attending remotely can attend at suitable hours without extra burden. The Chair of GRVA expressed concerns about the non-confirmed session of GRVA in May 2022. He recalled the importance for GRVA to hold a third session in the year prior to the June 2022 session of WP.29.

25. The secretariat introduced informal document WP.29-185-06, which will form the basis for the 2022 Programme of Work of the World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations and its Subsidiary Bodies. WP.29 noted that the updated list of priorities for GRSP would be provided following the December 2021 session. WP.29 was informed on a scheduled ad-hoc session of AC.2 for final review before the adoption at the March 2022 session of WP.29.

26. The representative of the European Commission introduced informal document WP.29-185-17, proposing a list of priorities from the European Union covering safety and automated/connected vehicles as well as emissions.

27. WP.29 endorsed the revised programme of work as introduced in ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2021/1/Rev.2.

WP.29-185-01 | WP.29 working parties, informal working groups, and chairs as of 1 November 2021
WP.29-185-02 | Draft calendar of WP.29 meetings in 2022
WP.29-185-06 | Programme of Work for WP.29 and its Subsidiary Bodies
WP.29-185-17 | EU Work Programme - UNECE activities 2022-2023
WP.29/2021/1/Rev.2 | WP.29: Revised programme of work
2.3. Intelligent Transport Systems and coordination of automated vehicles related activities

28. The Chair of GRVA introduced working document ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2021/151 to WP.29, proposing an updated Table 1 in the Framework Document on automated/autonomous vehicle. WP.29 considered and adopted this proposal, with the square brackets removed.

WP.29/2021/151 | Automated Vehicles Framework Document: Proposal for updated Table 1

29. The representative of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Co-chair of the Informal Working Group on Intelligent Transport Systems (IWG on ITS) reported on the results of the third session of the IWG on ITS, which took place on 19 November 2021. He highlighted the good attendance at that session as well as the active participation of delegations showing the huge interest on issues such as infrastructure on which intelligent vehicles will operate on. He mentioned the keynote presentation of the expert from the United States of America. He mentioned the review of the activities performed in 2021 in line with the revised UNECE Roadmap on ITS, adopted by ITC at its February 2021 session. He mentioned the contribution of the OICA delegation on definitions for ITS. He thanked the secretariat for organizing further webinars on issues related to Actions 5, 6 and 7 of the Roadmap. He presented two proposals to WP.29: a suggestion to endorse the leadership of the ITS group to assume a coordinative role in the preparation of “The future of electrification and automation of Vehicles”, a side event at seventy-fifth celebration of ITC in 2022 and the proposal to endorse the IWG on ITS to represent WP.29 in the UNECE/ITU Future Networked Car symposium. He reported that the IWG on ITS designated Mr. T. Naono (Japan) as a Co-Chair for the IWG, following the resignation of the former Co-Chair, Mr. T. Korenori.

30. The World Forum endorsed the report provided, considered and approved both proposals from the IWG on ITS as presented by its Co-chair.

3. Consideration of the reports of the Working Parties (GRs) subsidiary to WP.29
3.1. Working Party on General Safety Provisions (GRSG) (121st session, 12-16 April 2021)

31. The World Forum recalled the oral report of the Chair of GRSG on its 121st session and adopted the report (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/100).

GRSG/100 | Report of GRSG on its 121st (April 2021) session
3.2. Working Party on Lighting and Light-Signalling (GRE) (Eighty-fourth session, 26-30 April 2021)

32. The World Forum recalled the oral report of the Chair of GRE on its eighty-fourth session and adopted the report (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/84).

GRE/84 | Report of GRE on its 84th (April 2021) session
3.3. Working Party on Passive Safety (GRSP) (Sixty-ninth session, 17-21 May 2021)

33. The World Forum recalled the oral report of the Chair of GRSP on its sixty-ninth session and adopted the report (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/69).

GRSP/69 | Report of GRSP on its 69th session
3.4. Working Party on Automated/Autonomous and Connected Vehicles (GRVA) (Ninth session, 25–28 May 2021)

34. The World Forum recalled the report of the Chair of GRVA on its tenth session and adopted the report (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/10).

GRVA/10 | Report of GRVA on its 10th session
3.5. Working Party on Pollution and Energy (GRPE) (Eighty-third session, 1-4 June 2021)

35. The World Forum recalled the oral report of the Chair of GRPE on its eighty-third session and adopted the report (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRPE/83).

GRPE/83 | Report of GRPE on its 83rd (June 2021) session
3.6. Highlights of the recent sessions
3.6.1. Working Party on Noise (GRBP) (Seventy-fourth session, 15-17 September 2021)

36. The GRBP Chair reported on the results achieved by GRBP at its seventy-fourth session (for details, see the report of the session ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRBP/72).

37. As main highlights, he mentioned that GRBP had adopted a draft new UN Regulation on studded tyres and a new draft 03 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 117 that introduces for the first time requirements for tyres in worn state.

38. He pointed out that GRBP had agreed to update the Terms of Reference of its two IWGs on Measurement Uncertainties and on Wet Grip Performance for Tyres in a Worn State. WP.29 noted that the revised Terms of Reference were annexed to the report of GRBP at its seventy-fourth session. WP.29 also noted that GRBP agreed in principle to extend for two years the mandate of the Informal Working Group on Quiet Road Transport Vehicles for the Global Technical Regulation (IWG QRTV GTR), subject to a final decision of the Administrative Committee (AC.3) and/or WP.29.

39. WP.29 noted that GRBP had re-elected Mr. Serge Ficheux (France) as Chair and Mr. Andrei Bocharov (Russian Federation) as Vice-Chair for the sessions of GRBP scheduled for the year 2022.

GRBP/72 | Report of GRBP on its 74th (September 2021) session
3.6.2. Working Party on Automated/Autonomous and Connected Vehicles (GRVA) (Eleventh session, 27 September – 1 October 2021)

40. The GRVA Chair reported on the results achieved by GRVA during its eleventh session (for details, see the reports of the sessions ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/11).

41. He reported on the progress of the GRVA working groups on automation with the objective to submit proposals for guidelines for automated/autonomous vehicles in 2022.

42. WP.29 thanked Japan and the secretariat for continuing to convene workshops on the implementation of UN Regulation No. 155. WP.29 noted that the provisions in para. 5.3. of UN Regulation No. 155 were applied, supported by the workshops organized.

43. WP.29 noted that GRVA had completed its activities in response to the Resolution of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe and took note that GRVA would respond to the letter received.

44. WP.29 noted the invitation of the Global Forum for Road Traffic Safety (WP.1) to GRVA for a combined session in 2022 and supported it.

45. WP.29 noted that GRVA had re-elected Mr. Richard Damm (Germany) as Chair, as well as Mrs. Chen Chunmei (China) and Mr. Onoda Takao (Japan) as Vice-Chairs for the sessions of GRVA scheduled for the year 2022.

GRVA/11 | Report of GRVA on its 11th (Sep-Oct 2021) session
3.6.3. Working Party on General Safety Provisions (GRSG) (122nd session, 12-15 October 2021)

46. The Chair of GRSG reported on the results of the 122nd session of GRSG (for details, see the report in ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/101).

47. WP.29 noted that GRSG had adopted amendments to 12 UN Regulations Nos. 39, 46, 55, 107, 116, 118, 121, 125, 160, 161, 162, 163 and 2 corrigenda to UN Regulation No. 55.

48. WP.29 noted that GRE had re-elected GRSG re-elected Mr Antonio Erario (Italy) as Chair and Mr Kyle Hendershot (Canada) as Vice-Chair for the sessions scheduled for the year 2022.

GRSG/101 | Report of GRSG on its 122nd (October 2021) session
3.6.4. Working Party on Lighting and Light-Signalling (GRE) (Eighty-fifth session, 26-29 October 2021)

49. The Chair of GRE reported on the results of the eighty-fifth session of GRE (for details, see the report in ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/85).

50. He pointed out that GRE had adopted an extensive package of amendment proposals to the device UN Regulations Nos. 148, 149 and 150 and to the installation UN Regulations Nos. 48, 53, 74 and 86, with the aim to make them technology neutral, with performance-based and objective test requirements. He added that, due to transitional provisions, the package would be reviewed by GRE at its next session in April 2022 and then submitted to the June 2022 sessions of WP.29 and AC.1.

51. He further mentioned that GRE, after several considerations and revisions, adopted the following amendments to UN Regulations No. 48 (Installation of lighting and light-signalling devices):

(a) On road projections of driver assistance symbols, together with corresponding amendments to UN Regulation No. 149 (Road illumination devices);

(b) On the use of manufacturer logos inside the illuminant surface of signalling lamps, together with associated amendments to UN Regulation No. 148 (Light-signalling devices).

52. He pointed out that these amendments would be submitted to the June 2022 sessions of WP.29 and AC.1 as part of the bigger package.

53. The GRE Chair clarified upon request that the above-mentioned road projections of driver assistance symbols would be visible only to the driver without disturbing other road users.

54. WP.29 noted that GRE had re-elected Mr. Timo Kärkkäinen (Finland) as Chair and Mr. Derwin Rovers (Netherlands) as Vice-Chair for the sessions of GRE scheduled in the year 2022.

GRE/85 | Report of GRE on its 85th (October 2021) session
3.6.5. Working Party on Pollution and Energy (GRPE) (Eighty-fourth session, 19 November 2021)

55. The Chair of GRPE (Netherlands) reported to WP.29 on the results achieved by GRPE during its eighty-fourth session (for more details see the report of the session ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRPE/84).

56. He highlighted that GRPE had endorsed a proposal for a new UN GTR on in-vehicle battery durability, together with its technical report and proposals for new series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 154 (Worldwide harmonized Light vehicles Test Procedure (WLTP)).

57. WP.29 noted that GRPE had agreed to update terms of references and rules of procedure for the IWGs on EVE, and designated a new interim leadership team for the IWG on EPPR until June 2022.

58. WP.29 noted that GRPE had re-elected Mr. André Rijnders (Netherlands) as a Chair, and Mr. Duncan Kay (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) as a Vice-Chair for the year 2022.

59. WP.29 approved the extension of the mandate for the IWG on EVE until January 2024 and supported the designation by GRPE of an interim leadership team for the IWG on EPPR until June 2022.

GRPE/84 | Report of the 84th (November 2021) GRPE session
4. 1958 Agreement
4.1. Status of the 1958 Agreement and of the annexed Regulations

60. The secretariat informed the World Forum about the latest update of the status of the 1958 Agreement, based on ECE/TRANS/WP.29/343/Rev.29, available at: WP.29 noted that contracting parties should notify the secretariat about any amendments needed to Add.1 to the status document via the online data base (/343app) only. The secretariat invited those Contracting Parties who had not yet notified their Single Points of Contact, to gain writing permission for the database, to do so as soon as possible.

4.2. Guidance requested by the Working Parties on matters related to UN Regulations annexed to the 1958 Agreement
4.2.1. Reproduction and reference to private standards in UN Regulations, UN Global Technical Regulations (UN GTRs) and Rules

61. WP.29 noted that no document had been submitted under this agenda item.

4.2.2. Guidance on amendments to UN Regulations annexed to the 1958 Agreement

62. WP.29 noted that no document had been submitted under this agenda item.

4.3. Development of the International Whole Vehicle Type Approval (IWVTA) system
4.3.1. Proposal for the 04 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 0 (IWVTA)

63. The representative of Japan, Chair of the IWG on IWVTA, presented a proposal for the 04 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 0 (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2021/84), the regular annual update of the UN Regulation and its Annex 4, Part A, Section I (List of requirements for U-IWVTA). He also introduced an amendment proposal to the document, including an addition of two new paragraphs 12.5. and 12.6. containing transitional provisions. He invited the World Forum to consider both documents for submission to AC.1 for voting.

64. The representative of the European Commission informed the World Forum that the European Union had already cast its vote for ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2021/84. He explained that he therefore did not have the mandate to vote on behalf of European Union on informal document WP.29-185-10.

65. The World Forum agreed to consider the proposed amendments to document ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2021/84 as a supplement at its March 2022 session.

66. The World Forum considered draft amendments under agenda items 4.3 and recommended ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2021/84 submission to AC.1 for voting.

WP.29-185-10 | UN R0: Proposal to amend WP.29/2021/84 Proposal for amendment from the IWVTA informal group.
WP.29/2021/84 | UN R0: Proposal for the 04 series of amendments Proposal from the IWVTA informal working group to update the applicable versions for UN R17, R26, R48, R95, R110, R141, and R142 and to introduce new regulations UN R154, R161, R162, and R163 into Annex 4.
4.4. Revision 3 to the 1958 Agreement

67. WP.29 noted that no document had been submitted under this agenda item.

4.5. Development of an electronic database for the exchange of type approval documentation (DETA)

68. The representative from Germany, Chair of the IWG on DETA, reported (WP.29‑185‑12) on the activities of the group at its last session in November 2021. He explained that: 33 contracting parties notified their DETA Focal Point, about 12400 approvals were uploaded by 13 contracting parties, about 5560 manufacturers were uploaded and could be selected in DETA by the Type-Approval Authority, and that 13 manufacturers were having access to their own approvals in DETA. He explained the situation with regard to contracting new features: the Unique Identifier module, the Mass Upload Functionality and the two-factor authentication to increase the security of the system. He reported on the activities of the group to reflect on possible extension of DETA to increase the attractiveness of the system for the contracting parties of the 1997 and 1998 Agreements and on the state of play with regards to the DETA summary document on UI marking.

69. The representative of OICA clarified that, while the Unique Identifier by default applies to all UN Regulations, the GR working parties should identify those UN Regulations for which the use of the Unique Identifier was not appropriate and should not be used. He also suggested that the draft contract for the UI development be reviewed with the various sponsors and finalised as soon as possible.

70. The representative from Germany, Chair of the IWG on DETA, presented (WP.29-185-13) a proposal for amendments to the ‘specifications and application guideline for the Unique Identifier (UI) module’, document ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2019/77 and (WP.29-185-12). WP.29 agreed to consider this document with an official symbol at its March 2022 session.

71. WP.29 reflected on the proposed potential extensions of DETA. The Delegate form the United States of America requested, and WP.29 agreed, to remove language from the report that suggested the United States of America proposed or supported extension of DETA to Parties of the 1998 Agreement.

72. The representatives of Japan reported on the current status of discussions in the GRVA IWG on VMAD with regards to scenarios catalogues, which was still discussing this item at a high level of abstraction.

73. The representative of the United States of America explained that the IWG on FRAV was still discussing, among others, whether scenarios were needed for the development of ADS or for their performance assessment.

74. The representative of OICA recalled that the DETA database was designed originally for the purpose of type approval data exchange; therefore, it was not appropriate for all types of extensions which in fact would entail a totally new, separate database software.

75. The representative of the Netherlands agreed with the technical comment of the representative of OICA regarding the current function of DETA. He explained that WP.29 would need to reflect on modern ways to exchange information.

76. The Chair of GRVA suggested that the GRVA IWGs could advice whether these functions could be needed. He invited WP.29 to consider whether countries would want a centralized approach to exchange information or a decentralized way that all countries would need to implement.

77. The representative of Switzerland stated that it was premature to consider details. He advised to keep the discussion at a strategic level and focus on principles. He supported this discussion and advised that WP.29 embarked in a modern, flexible and dynamic way to address the technological progress brought by ADS.

78. WP.29 invited the IWG on DETA to further explore options and thanked Germany for continuing hosting DETA.

WP.29-185-12 | DETA informal group report to WP.29
WP.29-185-13 | DETA: Proposal for amendments to Unique Identifier guidelines
WP.29-185-14/Rev.1 | Report of the DETA informal group on its 42nd session
WP.29/2019/77 | DETA: Specifications and application guidelines for the Unique Identifier (UI) module
4.6. Consideration of draft amendments to existing UN Regulations submitted by GRE

79. The Chair of GRE presented the documents for agenda items 4.6.1 – 4.6.4.

80. The World Forum considered the draft amendments under agenda items 4.6.1 and 4.6.3. – 4.6.12. and recommended their submission to AC.1 for voting.

81. For agenda item 4.6.2, the World Forum noted informal document WP.29-185-05 submitted by the representative of OICA.

82. WP.29 agreed to submit ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2021/86 to AC.1 for voting, with the following amendment:
In para. 12.7.2. (twice) and 12.7.3 (once), for “1 September 2023” read “1 September 2024”.

WP.29-185-05 | UN R48: Justification of amendments to transitional provisions in WP.29/2021/86
WP.29/2021/86 | UN R48: Proposal for the 08 series of amendments Proposal from GRE to define the switching conditions of dipped beam and daytime running lamps (DRL) and the variable intensity of rear lamps in conjunction with traffic conditions, clarify determination of the apparent surface, and clarify the requirements for the installation of the foremost side-marker lamp of 3 m from the front (which cannot always be achieved in case of semi-trailers).
4.6.1. Proposal for Supplement 48 to the 03 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 37 (Filament light sources)
4.6.2. Proposal for the 08 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 48 (Installation of lighting and light-signalling devices)
4.6.3. Proposal for the 02 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 86 (Installation of lighting and light-signalling devices for agricultural vehicles)
4.6.4. Proposal for Supplement 11 to the 01 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 128 (LED light sources)
4.6.5. Proposal for draft Supplement 12 to the 01 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 45 (Headlamp cleaners)
4.6.6. Proposal for Supplement 7 to the 03 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 48 (Installation of lighting and light-signalling devices)
4.6.7. Proposal for Supplement 20 to the 04 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 48 (Installation of lighting and light-signalling devices)
4.6.8. Proposal for Supplement 15 to the 05 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 48 (Installation of lighting and light-signalling devices)
4.6.9. Proposal for Supplement 15 to the 06 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 48 (Installation of lighting and light-signalling devices)
4.6.10. Proposal for Supplement 2 to the 07 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 48 (Installation of lighting and light-signalling devices)
4.6.11. Proposal for Supplement 4 to the original series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 149 (Road illumination devices)
4.6.12. Proposal for Supplement 4 to the original series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 150 (Retro-reflective devices)
4.7. Consideration of draft amendments to existing UN Regulations submitted by GRSG

83. The World Forum considered draft amendments under agenda items 4.7.1 to 4.7.13 and recommended their submission to AC.1 for voting.

4.7.1. Proposal for the 04 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 67 (LPG vehicles)
4.7.2. Proposal for the 05 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 110 (CNG and LNG vehicles)
4.7.3. Proposal for the 01 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 116 (Anti-theft and alarm systems)
4.7.4. Proposal for the 02 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 125 (Forward field of Vision of Drivers)
4.7.5. Proposal for Supplement 2 to the 03 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 118 (Burning behaviour of materials)
4.7.6. Proposal for Supplement 5 to the 02 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 118 (Burning behaviour of materials)
4.7.7. Proposal for Supplement 3 to the original version of UN Regulation No. 151 (Blind Spot Information Systems (BSIS))
4.7.8. Proposal for Supplement 1 to the original version of UN Regulation No. 158 (Reversing motion)
4.7.9. Proposal for Supplement 1 to the original version of UN Regulation No. 159 (Moving Off Information Systems)
4.7.10. Proposal for Supplement 10 to the 01 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 55 (Mechanical couplings)
4.7.11. Proposal for Supplement 02 to the 02 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 55 (Mechanical couplings)
4.7.12. Proposal for Supplement 3 to the 03 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 58 (Rear underrun protective devices)
4.7.13. Proposal for Supplement 3 to the 04 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 110 (CNG and LNG vehicles)
4.8. Consideration of draft amendments to existing UN Regulations submitted by GRSP

84. The World Forum considered draft amendments under agenda items 4.8.1 and 4.8.20. and recommended their submission to AC.1 for voting.

4.8.1. Proposal for Supplement 9 to the 07 series to UN Regulation No. 14 (Safety-belt anchorages)
4.8.2. Proposal for Supplement 1 to the 08 series to UN Regulation No. 14 (Safety-belt anchorages)
4.8.3. Proposal for Supplement 2 to the 09 series of amendment to UN Regulation No. 14 (Safety-belt anchorages)
4.8.4. Proposal for Supplement 7 to the 07 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 16 (Safety-belts)
4.8.5. Proposal for Supplement 3 to the 08 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 16 (Safety-belts)
4.8.6. Proposal for Supplement 1 to the 06 series of amendment to UN Regulation No. 22 (Protective helmets)
4.8.7. Proposal for Supplement 1 to the 04 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 94 (Frontal collision)
4.8.8. Proposal for Supplement 1 to the 04 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 95 (Lateral collision)
4.8.9. Proposal for Supplement 2 to the 05 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 95 (Lateral collision)
4.8.10. Proposal for Supplement 1 to the 03 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 100 (Electric power-train vehicles)
4.8.11. Proposal for Supplement 11 to the original version of UN Regulation No. 129 (Enhanced Child Restraint Systems)
4.8.12. Proposal for Supplement 8 to the 01 series of amendment to UN Regulation No. 129 (Enhanced Child Restraint Systems)
4.8.13. Proposal for Supplement 7 to the 02 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 129 (Enhanced Child Restraint Systems)
4.8.14. Proposal for Supplement 6 to the 03 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 129 (Enhanced Child Restraint Systems)
4.8.15. Proposal for Supplement 4 to the original version of UN Regulation No. 134 (Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Vehicles (HFCV))
4.8.16. Proposal for Supplement 1 to the 01 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 134 (Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Vehicles (HFCV))
4.8.17. Proposal for Supplement 2 to the 02 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 137 (Frontal impact with focus on restraint systems)
4.8.18. Proposal for Supplement 1 to the original version of UN Regulation No.145 (ISOFIX anchorage systems, ISOFIX top tether anchorages and i-Size)
4.8.19. Proposal for Supplement 2 to the original version of UN Regulation No. 153 (Fuel system integrity and safety of electric power train in the event of a rear-end collision)
4.8.20. Proposal for Supplement 3 to the 01 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 135 (Pole side impact)
4.9. Consideration of draft amendments to existing UN Regulations submitted by GRPE

85. The World Forum considered draft amendments under agenda items 4.9.1 to 4.9.8. and recommended their submission to AC.1 for voting.

4.9.1. Proposal for Supplement 7 to the 03 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 24 (Visible pollutants, measurement of power of C.I. engines (Diesel smoke))
4.9.2. Proposal for Supplement 11 to the 05 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 49 (Emissions of compression ignition and positive ignition (LPG and CNG) engines)
4.9.3. Proposal for Supplement 7 to the 06 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 49 (Emissions of compression ignition and positive ignition (LPG and CNG) engines)
4.9.4. Proposal for Supplement 15 to the 05 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 83 (Emissions of M1 and N1 vehicles)
4.9.5. Proposal for Supplement 17 to the 06 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 83 (Emissions of M1 and N1 vehicles)
4.9.6. Proposal for Supplement 14 to the 07 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 83 (Emissions of M1 and N1 vehicles)
4.9.7. Proposal for Supplement 11 to the 01 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 101 (CO2 emission/fuel consumption)
4.9.8. Proposal for Supplement 1 to UN Regulation No. 133 (Recyclability of motor vehicles)
4.10. Consideration of draft amendments to existing UN Regulations submitted by GRVA

86. The World Forum considered draft amendments under agenda items 410.1 to 4.10.8. and recommended their submission to AC.1 for voting.

4.10.1. Proposal for Supplement 3 the 02 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 79 (Steering equipment)
4.10.2. Proposal for Supplement 6 the 03 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 79 (Steering equipment)
4.10.3. Proposal for Supplement 1 the 04 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 79 (Steering equipment)
4.10.4. Proposal for Supplement 7 to the 02 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 90 (Replacement brake parts)
4.10.5. Proposal for Supplement 4 to the original version of UN Regulation No. 152 (AEBS for M1 and N1)
4.10.6. Proposal for Supplement 3 to the 01 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 152 (AEBS for M1 and N1)
4.10.7. Proposal for Supplement 1 to the 02 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 152 (AEBS for M1 and N1)
4.10.8. Proposal for Supplement 3 to UN Regulation No. 157 (ALKS)
4.11. Consideration of draft corrigenda to existing UN Regulations submitted by GRs if any

87. The World Forum considered the draft corrigenda under agenda item 4.11.1 and recommended its submission to AC.1 for voting.

4.11.1. Proposal for Corrigendum 1 to Supplement 12 to the 06 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 16 (Safety-belts)
4.12. Consideration of draft corrigenda to existing UN Regulations submitted by the secretariat, if any

88. WP.29 noted that no document had been submitted under this agenda item.

4.13. Consideration of proposals for new UN Regulations submitted by the Working Parties subsidiary to the World Forum

89. WP.29 noted that no document had been submitted under this agenda item.

4.14. Proposal for amendments to the Consolidated Resolution on the Construction of Vehicles (R.E.3) submitted by the Working Parties to the World Forum for consideration
4.14.1. Proposal for amendments to the Consolidated Resolution on the construction of vehicles (R.E.3)

90. The Chair of GRSG presented the proposal ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2021/144 for amendments to the Consolidated Resolution on the construction of vehicles (R.E.3) under agenda item 14.4.1.

91. WP.29 adopted ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2021/144.

WP.29/2021/144 | RE3: Proposal for amendments
4.15. Proposal for amendments to the Consolidated Resolution on the common specification of light source categories (R.E.5)
4.15.1. Proposal for amendment 7 to the Consolidated Resolution on the common specification of light source categories (R.E.5)

92. WP.29 adopted the draft amendment for the Consolidated Resolution on the common specification of light source categories (R.E.5) under agenda item 4.15.1. and noted that it would enter into force on the same date with the entry into force of the amendment proposals to UN Regulations Nos. 37 and 128 under agenda items 4.6.1 and 4.6.4, respectively.

WP.29/2021/145 | RE5: Proposal for amendment 7 to the Consolidated Resolution on the common specification of light source categories Proposal from GRE to introduce new light emitting diode (LED) replacement light source categories H11 and C5W and for the definition of an AE device.
4.16. Pending proposals for amendments to existing UN Regulations submitted by the Working Parties to the World Forum

93. WP.29 noted that no document had been submitted under this agenda item.

4.17. Proposals for amendments to Mutual Resolutions

94. The Chair of GRSP introduced ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2021/146 for Addendum 1 to Mutual Resolution No. 1: Specifications for the Construction, Preparation and Certification of the 50th percentile male Biofidelic Rear Impact Dummy, anthropomorphic test Device (BioRID-II UN). He explained that the body of the proposal introduced the general design of the dummy, including the essential dimensions and how they are checked.

95. The Chair of GRPE introduced ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2021/147 containing a proposal for a new amendment to Mutual Resolution No. 2, aiming to align vehicle propulsiotn system definitions with the latest Amendment 6 to UN GTR No. 15 and UN Regulation No. 154.

96. WP.29 considered and endorsed the proposals for amendments to Mutual Resolutions under agenda items 4.17.1. and 4.17.2. and submitted them to AC.3 for final approval.

WP.29/2021/146 | MR1: Proposal of Amendment 3 Specifications for the Construction, Preparation and Certification of the 50th percentile male Biofidelic Rear Impact Dummy, (BioRID-II UN) anthropomorphic test Device.
WP.29/2021/147 | Proposal for an amendment to Mutual Resolution No. 2
4.17.1. Proposal for amendment 3 to Mutual Resolution No. 1 (M.R.1)
4.17.2. Proposal for an amendment to Mutual Resolution No. 2 (M.R.2)
5. 1998 Agreement
5.1. Status of the 1998 Agreement, including the implementation of paragraph 7.1 of the Agreement

97. The World Forum agreed that agenda items 5.2 to 5.6 related to the 1998 Agreement should be considered in detail under agenda items 15 to 20 prepared for the Executive Committee of the 1998 Agreement, WP.29/AC.3.

5.2. Consideration of draft UN GTRs and/or draft amendments to established UN GTRs
5.3. Consideration of technical regulations to be listed in the Compendium of Candidates for UN GTRs, if any
5.4. Guidance, by consensus decision, on those elements of draft global technical regulations that have not been resolved by the Working Parties subsidiary to the World Forum, if any
5.5. Implementation of the 1998 Agreement Programme of Work by the Working Parties subsidiary to the World Forum
6. Exchange of views on national/regional rulemaking procedures and implementation of established UN Regulations and/or UN GTRs into national/regional law

98. The World Forum agreed to keep this item on its agenda awaiting additional presentations.

7. 1997 Agreement (Periodical Technical Inspections)

99. The representative of CITA, Secretary of the IWG on Periodical Technical Inspections (PTI) reported to WP.29 on the activities of the IWG at its twenty-fourth sessions, which took place in October 2021, in a virtual format. He informed WP.29 that the work of the IWG had focused on proposal for a framework document on vehicle whole-life compliance, under review by GRs. He continued that the group had been informed about development of European Union (EU) legislation on PTI, including updates of EU Roadworthiness Package. He reported that the group discussed recommendation on application of Particulate Numbers measurement methods and decided to include it into Resolution R.E.6. as well as results of studies related to tempering of aftertreatment systems in trucks. He mentioned that the group continued considerations on access to in-vehicle data.

100. He clarified upon request from the secretariat that the group had already discussed PTI for Accident Emergency Call Systems (AECS) in line with the mandate of the group.

101. WP.29 encouraged the group to continue its activities on AECS.

WP.29-185-15 | Report on the PTI informal group 24th meeting
7.1. Status of the 1997 Agreement

102. WP.29 noted ECE/TRANS/WP.29/1074/Rev.19 on the status of the agreement, including the status of the UN Rules annexed to the agreement, the list of the contracting parties to the agreement and of their administrative departments.

7.2. Update of Rules annexed to the 1997 Agreement

103. WP.29 noted that no document had been submitted under this agenda item.

7.3. Amendments to the 1997 Agreement

104. WP.29 noted that no document had been submitted under this agenda item.

7.4. Establishment of new Rules annexed to the 1997 Agreement

105. WP.29 noted that no document had been submitted under this agenda item.

7.5. Update of Resolution R.E.6 related to requirements for testing equipment, for skills and training of inspectors and for supervision of test centres

106. WP.29 noted that no document had been submitted under this agenda item.

7.6. Vehicle whole-life compliance

107. The World Forum noted that the proposal for a framework document on vehicle whole-life compliance was still under review by GRs, which was deemed to be finalized before the WP.29 March 2022 session.

WP.29/2021/148 | Proposal for a Framework Document on Vehicle Whole-Life Compliance Proposal submitted by the Co-Chairs of the Informal Working Group on Periodical Technical Inspections.
8. Other business
8.1. Exchange of information on enforcement of issues on defects and non-compliance, including recall systems

108. WP.29 agreed to defer consideration of this agenda item to the next session.

8.2. Consistency between the provisions of the 1968 Vienna Convention and the technical provisions for vehicles of UN Regulations and UN GTRs adopted in the framework of the 1958 and 1998 Agreements

109. WP.29 noted that no document had been submitted under this agenda item.

8.3. Safer vehicles of the global plan for the decade of action for road safety 2021-2030

110. WP.29 recalled its request that a document reporting on the progress of safer vehicle in the framework of the global plan for the decade of action for road safety 2021-2030 should be developed and regularly updated for the whole length of the decade (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/1155, para. 24). As a follow up of this request the secretariat introduced WP.29-185-07, reproducing the recommended actions of the global plan to ensure vehicle safety and traceability of WP.29 and its subsidiary bodies actions: (a) development of UN Regulations and UN GTRs and UN Rules (b) performance indicators and (c) progress made. WP.29 also noted WP.29-185-09, reproducing the note by the UN Secretary General on improving global road safety and WP.29-185-11, explaining the Global Plan for the Decade of Action for road safety 2021-2030. The World Forum expressed its support to document WP.29-185-07 and requested feedback by its interested parties. The World Forum also noted the extended acknowledgement given by Secretary General to WP.29 achievements in the field of road safety (WP.29-185-09). Finally, the representatives from OICA and IMMA expressed their strong commitment and support to the decade of action for road safety.

111. The representative of IMMA stated strong support to the blueprint principle of the Global Plan towards creation of local, national and regional road safety strategies, considering the context differences in the regions. Noting also the high numbers of Powered Two-Wheelers fatalities, he informed WP.29 on the recent International Motorcyclist’s Safety Workshop initiative as a follow up activity to the Global Ministerial Conference on Road Safety, delivering global priority actions and recommendations for motorcyclist’s Safety for consideration in the regional road safety plans. For details see:

WP.29-185-07 | Safer vehicles of the global plan for the decade of action for road safety 2021-2030
WP.29-185-09 | Improving global road safety: Note by the UN Secretary-General
WP.29-185-11 | Global plan for the Decade of Action for Road Safety 2021-2030

112. The secretariat presented Informal document WP.29-185-18, activities of the “Safer and Cleaner Used Vehicle for Africa” project to WP.29 and invited the World Forum to consider taking a leading role on vehicle regulatory elements in the area of vehicle safety and environmental protection for regions of low- and middle-income countries by establishing an IWG on this subject. The representatives of The Netherlands and Sweden as well as CITA, FIA, OICA and ETRTO expressed their ad-hoc support for this initiative.

113. WP.29 endorsed in principle, the establishment of an IWG and invited the Secretariat to contact Contracting Parties willing to participate in and contribute to the activities of the group.

WP.29-185-18 | Activities of the Safer and Cleaner Used Vehicles for Africa Project
8.4. Documents for publication

114. WP.29 noted the overview of proposals, adopted at the 184th session, and their envisaged entry into force. The secretariat informed WP.29 that the notification of the proposal for the 01 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 160 (EDR) had been circulated to contracting parties on 22 October 2021, which triggers the 6 months notification period.

115. The secretariat informed the World Forum on recent publications, the UN Vehicle Regulation for road safety Cost-benefit methodology and a flyer titled “Safety belts – Occupants’ guide to wearing safety-belts”, both publications being available on the UNECE website.

8.5. Tributes

116. WP.29 learned that the representative of Switzerland, Mr. H. Berger, would no longer attend WP.29 and GRs sessions. WP.29 congratulated him on his attendance since 1997 in WP.29 and wished him a happy retirement.

9. Adoption of the report

117. The World Forum adopted the report on its 185th session and its annexes based on a draft prepared by the secretariat under COVID-19 special procedures. The report included sections related to the seventy-ninth session of the Administrative Committee (AC.1) of the 1958 Agreement, to the sixty-second session of the Executive Committee (AC.3) of the 1998 Agreement and the fourteenth session of the Administrative Committee of the 1997 Agreement (AC.4).

WP.29/1161 | Report of WP.29 on its 185th (November 2021) session
10. Establishment of the Administrative Committee of the 1958 Agreement (AC.1)

118. The AC.1 voting followed the special proceedings during COVID-19 period, which had been adopted by all Contracting Parties to the 1958 Agreement under a silence procedure on 12 November 2021. The written procedure, had been initiated on 16 November 2021 5.00 p.m. CET and had lasted for 72 hours, ending on 19 November 2021 5.00 p.m. CET. The seventy-ninth, online, session of AC.1 was held on 24 November 2021.

119. Of the 56 contracting parties to the agreement, 40 were represented by taking part in the written procedure and at the online AC.1 session, its seventy-ninth session, on 24 November 2021.

120. AC.1 invited the Chair of WP.29 to chair the online session.

11. Proposals for amendments and corrigenda to existing Regulations and for new Regulations – Voting by AC.1

121. The results of the voting on the documents submitted are in the “Adopted Texts”, following the rules of procedure of article 12 and the appendix of Revision 3 to the 1958 Agreement.

12. Establishment of the Executive Committee of the 1998 Agreement (AC.3)

122. The sixty-second session of the Executive Committee (AC.3) was held on 24 November 2021 and chaired by the representative of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Decision taking and voting followed the special proceedings during COVID-19 period, which had been adopted by all Contracting Parties to the 1998 Agreement under a silence procedure on 12 November 2021. The representatives of 14 of the 38 contracting parties to the agreement attended: Australia, Canada, China, European Union (representing Cyprus, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, and Sweden), India, Japan, Malaysia, Norway, Republic of Korea, Russian Federation, South Africa, Tunisia, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and United States of America.

13. Monitoring of the 1998 Agreement: Reports of the Contracting Parties on the transposition of UN GTRs and their amendments into their national/regional law

123. AC.3 noted the information, as of November 2021, on the status of the Agreement of the Global Registry and of the Compendium of Candidates (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/1073/Rev.31), the status of the priorities of the 1998 Agreement (based on WP.29-185-08 as reproduced in Annex IV to the session report) and items on which the exchange of views should continue. AC.3 noted that notifications and the mandatory reports on the transposition process through their Permanent Missions in Geneva to the secretariat, are publicly accessible at: AC.3 recalled its agreement to always send the above-mentioned reports and notifications through their Permanent Missions in Geneva and directly to the secretariat (email: to ensure updating of the status document, which is the monitoring tool of the agreement.

124. AC.3 warmly reiterated its request to its Contracting Parties to send the above-mentioned status report and notifications as one of the main obligations of the 1998 Agreement (Articles 7.4 to 7.4.1. of the Agreement) and be provided to the secretariat for each one-year period if action or no action had been taken in the process of transposition of UN GTRs into domestic legislations. AC.3 finally noted that such information would be integrated into the Status of the Agreement document and that such information would be not be only administrative but also relevant to all interested parties, including the industry, to understand the type of vehicle certification needed in the different Contracting Parties.

WP.29-185-08 | Status of the 1998 Agreement of the global registry and of the compendium of candidates*
14. Consideration and vote by AC.3 of draft UN GTRs and/or draft amendments to established UN GTRs, if any

125. AC.3 noted that no proposals for a new UN GTR had been submitted.

15. Consideration of technical regulations to be listed in the Compendium of Candidates for UN GTRs, if any
15.1. Request to list in the compendium of candidate Global Technical Regulations (compendium of candidates) the Japan’s Durability Driving Enforcement Procedure for two-wheeled vehicles

126. Submitted for consideration and vote, the request (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2021/154) of Japan to list in the Compendium of Candidates for UN GTRs, the Japan’s Durability Driving Enforcement Procedure for two-wheeled vehicles, was passed on 24 November 2021 by consensus vote of Australia, Canada, China, the European Union (representing Cyprus, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden), India, Japan, Malaysia, Norway, the Republic of Korea, the Russian Federation, South Africa, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United States of America.

127. The representative from Tunisia abstained from voting.

WP.29/2021/154 | Request to list in the compendium of candidate GTR Japan’s Durability Driving Enforcement Procedure for two-wheeled vehicles
15.2. Request to list in the compendium of candidate Global Technical Regulations (compendium of candidates) the United States of America’s Durability Driving Enforcement Procedure for two-wheeled vehicles

128. Submitted for consideration and vote, the request (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2021/155) of Japan to list in the Compendium of Candidates for UN GTRs, the United States of America’s Durability Driving Enforcement Procedure for two-wheeled vehicles, was passed on 24 November 2021 by consensus vote of Australia, Canada, China, the European Union (representing Cyprus, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden), India, Japan, Malaysia, Norway, the Republic of Korea, the Russian Federation, South Africa, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United States of America.

129. The representative from Tunisia abstained from voting.

WP.29/2021/155 | Request to list in the compendium of candidate GTR the USA Durability Driving Enforcement Procedure for two-wheeled vehicles
WP.29/2021/155/Att.1 | US EPA Submittal on Deterioration Factor Requirements for On-Highway Motorcycles
15.3. Request to list in the compendium of candidate Global Technical Regulations (compendium of candidates) India’s Durability Driving Enforcement Procedure for two-wheeled vehicles

130. Submitted for consideration and vote, the request (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2021/156) of Japan to list in the Compendium of Candidates for UN GTRs, India’s Durability Driving Enforcement Procedure for two-wheeled vehicles, was passed on 24 November 2021 by consensus vote of Australia, Canada, China, the European Union (representing Cyprus, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden), India, Japan, Malaysia, Norway, the Republic of Korea, the Russian Federation, South Africa, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United States of America.

131. The representative from Tunisia abstained from voting.

15.4. Request to list in the compendium of candidate Global Technical Regulations China’s Durability Test of Emission-Control Devices

132. Submitted for consideration and vote, the request (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2021/158) of Japan to list in the Compendium of Candidates for UN GTRs, China’s Durability Driving Enforcement Procedure for two-wheeled vehicles, was passed on 24 November 2021 by consensus vote of Australia, Canada, China, the European Union (representing Cyprus, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden), India, Japan, Malaysia, Norway, the Republic of Korea, the Russian Federation, South Africa, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United States of America.

133. The representative from Tunisia abstained from voting.

WP.29/2021/158/Att.1 | GB 14622-2016 Limits and Measurement Methods for Emissions from Motorcycles
WP.29/2021/158/Att.2 | GB 18176-2016 Limits and Measurement Methods for Emissions from Mopeds
WP.29/2022/158 | Request to list in the compendium of candidate GTR China’s Durability Test of Emission-Control Devices (Type V Test)
16. Consideration of amendments to Mutual Resolutions Nos. 1 (M.R.1) and 2 (M.R.2)
16.1. Proposal of Amendment 3 to Mutual Resolution No. 1 (M.R.1)

134. Submitted for consideration and vote, the proposal of Amendment 3 to Mutual Resolution No. 1 (M.R.1) — Draft Addendum 1, was passed on 24 November 2021 by consensus vote of Australia, Canada, China, the European Union (representing Cyprus, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden), India, Japan, Malaysia, Norway, the Republic of Korea, the Russian Federation, South Africa and United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

135. The representatives from Canada, Tunisia and United States of America abstained from voting.

WP.29/2021/146 | MR1: Proposal of Amendment 3 Specifications for the Construction, Preparation and Certification of the 50th percentile male Biofidelic Rear Impact Dummy, (BioRID-II UN) anthropomorphic test Device.
16.2. Proposal for an amendment to Mutual Resolution No. 2 (M.R.2)

136. Submitted for consideration and vote, the proposal for an amendment to Mutual Resolution No. 2 (M.R.2), was passed on 24 November 2021 by consensus vote of Australia, Canada, China, the European Union (representing Cyprus, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden), India, Japan, Malaysia, Norway, the Republic of Korea, the Russian Federation, South Africa and United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

137. The representatives from Tunisia and United States of America abstained from voting.

17. Guidance, by consensus decision, on those elements of draft UN GTRs that have not been resolved by the Working Parties subsidiary to the World Forum, if any

138. No new information was provided under this agenda item.

18. Exchange of information on new priorities to be included in the programme of work

139. AC.3 reflected on the necessity of a specific Programme of Work (PoW) under the 1998 Agreement following the developments on the procedure for establishing the WP.29 PoW, which covers all activities related to all three agreements under the purview of WP.29 (see para. 23-27 above).

140. Following a proposal by the AC.3 Chair, AC.3 agreed to have this agenda item only once per year on the agenda and to reflect at a later stage whether or not to completely remove it.

WP.29/2019/31/Rev.1 | Draft programme of work (PoW) under the 1998 Agreement
19. Progress on the development of new UN GTRs and of amendments to established UN GTRs
19.1. UN GTR No. 2 (Worldwide Motorcycle Emission Test Cycle (WMTC))

141. The representative of the EU informed AC.3 that IWG on EPPR had presented during the eighty-third session of GRPE an informal document containing Draft amendment 5 to UN GTR No. 2, containing expanded scope to include certain types of three-wheeled vehicles and propulsion units and fuel types, and harmonize some procedural aspects with UN GTR No. 15. A proposal for Amendment 5 to UN GTR No. 2 is expected for the June 2022 session of AC.3.

142. The Chair of GRPE sought some clarifications about the submission process and the possibility to submit to AC.3 a proposal for a UN GTR without the final status report, given time constraints to finalize the proposal before the next session of GRPE in January 2022.

143. The Secretariat confirmed a full package was required to ensure compliance with the transparency provisions set in the 1998 Agreement. The representative from the European Union noted the implications of a delayed submission.

144. The representative from IMMA, also as Secretary to IWG on EPPR, provided full support, underlying the efforts from the IWG to finalize the full package on time for timely consideration by AC.3.

145. The Chair of AC.3 acknowledged the work performed so far by all parties involved in the IWG on EPPR, noted the time constraints and invited the Chairs of GRPE and of the IWG on EPPR to find a solution for a potential consideration of the draft Amendment 5 to UN GTR No. 2 at the June 2022 session of AC.3.

19.2. UN GTR No. 3 (Motorcycle braking)

146. The representative of Italy updated AC.3 on their intention (already expressed at the eleventh session of GRVA) to submit a request for authorization to develop an amendment to UN GTR No. 3, in order to keep the UN GTR and UN Regulation No. 78 (Motorcycle braking) aligned. He explained that the aim of the amendment would be to harmonize provisions related to the stop lamp activation relevant for regenerative braking and to update the reference to ASTM standards for the measurement of the Peak Braking Coefficient (PBC).

19.3. UN GTR No. 6 (Safety glazing)

147. No new information was provided under this agenda item. AC.3 agreed to remove this item from the agenda of the March 2022 session.

19.4. UN GTR No. 8 (Electronic stability control systems (ESC))

148. The representative of the Republic of Korea presented the work progress on an amendment to UN GTR No. 8, aimed at taking into account new innovative steering systems which have a significantly lower steering gear ratio. He reported on ongoing discussions at GRVA, including a proposal made by the delegation of Canada, expected to be resumed at its January 2022 session.

19.5. UN GTR No. 9 (Pedestrian safety)

149. Concerning Amendment 3 (headform test impact zone), the representative from the United States of America updated AC.3 on the latest progress made by the task force established to solve diverging interpretations. He informed that the task force would meet one more time before the GRSP December 2021 session to evaluate the last data. He concluded that in case the evidence presented by the task force to that session of GRSP would be agreed, the groups might decide to recommend the amendment to the March 2022 session of AC.3.

150. The representative from the Republic of Korea informed AC.3 on the progress of work of the IWG on Deployable Pedestrian Protection Systems (IWG-DPPS). He confirmed that extensive work had been performed by the IWG. However, the IWG had still open issues the numerical simulation method to the proposed requirements to the UN Regulation/UN GTR. AC.3 noted that the simulations were already addressed by GRVA. The representative from Canada confirmed that GRVA IWG on VMAD was exploring simulation methods. He suggested that a reflection of this work should be taken in UN GTR No. 9 to have a leverage of time and resources to avoid duplication of work. AC.3 endorsed this approach.

19.6. UN GTR No. 13 (Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Vehicles (HFCV) – Phase 2)

151. The representative from the United States of America updated AC.3 on the latest progress made by the IWG with respect to the on-going development of Phase 2 to UN GTR No. 13. He informed AC.3 that the IWG on UN GTR No. 13 and its Task Forces had been meeting regularly, almost bi-weekly in some cases, with the last meeting of the IWG took place on 12 October 2021, as the time of the submission of the technical draft was quickly approaching. He explained that the IWG experts represented governments, industry and academia of Asia, Europe and North America and that scheduling meetings accommodating the different time zones had been challenging. He stated that the IWG was working intensively to have a solid draft reflecting all the technical amendments completed by the time of the upcoming December 2021 session of GRSP. Moreover, he gave a preview of the items considered under the Phase 2, based on the feedback from Contracting Parties and the industry, that resulted in several important amendments, improvements to the UN GTR No. 13:

  1. To expand the scope of the UN GTR No. 13 to Heavy-duty vehicles and consider expanding the service life of the container;
  2. To consider and address concerns with the refuelling of pressurized hydrogen, including the receptacle requirements to prevent freezing, for example;
  3. To review and update several of the test requirements to, amongst others accommodate the new hydrogen container conformable tank design; and to consider burst pressure requirements;
  4. To review and update the fire test to make it more objective and reproducible;
  5. To consider concerns with material compatibility and the “Humid Gas Stress Corrosion Cracking” phenomenon.

152. He finally concluded that the IWG was still evaluating how to best fully address Service life extension and number of cycles, thermally-activated pressure relief device (TPRD), venting direction, and the sled test as well as side impact test that would need to be dealt with in the next phase.

19.7. UN GTR No. 15 (Worldwide harmonized Light Vehicle Test Procedures (WLTP) – Phase 2)

153. The representative of the European Union informed AC.3 that given the IWG on WLTP mandate had expired, no developments had occurred since the recent adoption of Amendment 6 to UN GTR No. 15. He added that two new series to the sister UN Regulation No. 154 had been adopted by GRPE at its November 2021 session and expected to be submitted for consideration and vote at the March 2022 session of WP.29 and AC.1. He suggested to keep this item on the agenda of AC.3 as a new amendment to UN GTR No. 15 might be developed based on the recent work done on UN Regulation No. 154. AC.3 agreed with this proposal.

19.8. UN GTR No. 16 (Tyres)

154. AC.3 was informed by the Chair of GRBP, the representatives of Russian Federation and the United States of America about various ongoing activities on tyres, in particular with the aim to align UN Regulations on tyres with the recently adopted Amendment 2 to UN GTR No. 16. AC.3 noted that, based on their outcome, a proposal for Amendment 3 would be prepared.

155. The representative of ETRTO confirmed that several items of relevance to the UN GTR were in development such as the definition of radial tyres.

156. AC.3 agreed to keep this issue on the agenda.

19.9. UN GTR No.18 (On-board diagnostics for two- or three-wheeled motor vehicles)

157. The representative of the European Union recalled the adoption of Amendment 1 to UN GTR No. 18 in the November 2020 of AC.3, and informed no further activities were expected in the near future. He suggested this agenda item to be removed for the next session of AC.3.

158. AC.3 agreed to remove this item from the next AC.3 agenda.

19.10. UN GTR No. 19 (EVAPorative emission test procedure for the Worldwide harmonized Light vehicle Test Procedure (WLTP EVAP))

159. The representative of the European Union informed that no activities had been undertaken since the adoption of Amendment 3 to UN GTR No. 19, and suggested to keep this item on the agenda until there would be a better understanding of any impact the proposals for new 02 and 03 series to UN Regulation No. 154 might have on UN GTRs Nos. 15 and 19, expected in March 2022. AC.3 agreed with this proposal.

19.11. UN GTR No. 20 (Electric Vehicles Safety (EVS))

160. The representative from the United States of America updated AC.3 on the latest progress made by the IWG on Electric Vehicle Safety with respect to the on-going development of Phase 2 of UN GTR No. 20. The IWG on UN GTR No. 20 had been meeting regularly, with the last meeting of the IWG taking place on 19-22 October 2021. He explained that despite the progress made in Phase 2 in updating the UN GTR, more time would be needed to fully address some of its aspects, including the constantly evolving technology as well as challenges faced in form of real-life field data coming in. He reiterated the request for an eighteen-month extension of the IWG mandate put forward at the GRSP May 2021 session, and informally accepted at the June 2021 Session of WP.29. He added that the meetings, which were well represented by contracting parties from Asia, Europe, and North America, received regularly progress reports by contracting parties and the industry on their progress in adopting the UN GTR, or on their national regulations, and on the international standards development and updates. He gave an idea of the challenges of the Phase 2 that the IWG was facing by mentioning:

  1. thermal propagation of a battery cell,
  2. evaluating the best method for artificially triggering the thermal propagation in battery packs to fully understand the risks,
  3. the timing in order to protect the occupants,
  4. the risks associated with batteries,
  5. the flammability and toxicity of gases emanating from the battery pack,
  6. the temperature levels to prevent spreading of fire to the surrounding vehicles and structures, etc.

He also mentioned that the IWG was considering tests for overcurrent and further studying overcharge and undercharge of batteries. He moreover explained that the IWG was also evaluating the appropriateness to regulate some aspects of EVS in the UN GTR, such as Rechargeable Electric Energy Storage System (REESS) vibration and water immersion scenarios and concern were these issues related to product reliability or vehicle safety. He finally informed that the next meeting of the IWG would take place virtually on 19-20 January 2022, and would focus only on thermal propagation and triggering or initiation methods.

19.12. UN GTR No. 21 (Determination of electrified vehicle power (Electric vehicles and the environment))

161. The representative of the United States of America reported no issue regarding the implementation of UN GTR No. 21, and informed AC.3 about forthcoming update of UN GTR No. 21 potentially revising the candidate methods to measure power from plug-in hybrid vehicles, with activities expected to start in the course of 2022.

19.13. Draft UN GTR on Quiet Road Transport Vehicles (QRTV)

162. AC.3 approved the GRBP request to extend the mandate of the Informal Working Group on Quiet Road Transport Vehicles for the Global Technical Regulation (IWG QRTV GTR) for two years.

19.14. Draft UN GTR on Global Real Driving Emissions (GRDE)

163. The representative of the European Union informed AC.3 that the work on UN GTR on Global RDE had been paused and would resume directly at the phase two, by focusing on the test procedure, provide further improvements to the evaluation method and review the regional needs (as detailed in ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2021/149). AC.3 endorsed ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2021/149 and requested the secretariat to distribute it at the next session with an AC.3 symbol.

WP.29/2021/149 | Proposal for a revised authorization to develop a UN GTR on Global Real Driving Emissions (RDE)
19.15. Proposal for a draft UN GTR on in-vehicle battery durability (Electric vehicles and the environment)

164. The representative of the United States of America highlighted the recent achievements of the IWG on Electric Vehicles and the Environment (EVE) that submitted a proposal for a new UN GTR on in-vehicle battery durability at the eighty-fourth session of GRPE. He added this UN GTR is the first legal instrument covering this topic, worldwide. He said the proposal had been adopted by GPRE at its eighty-fourth session in November 2021 and was expected to be submitted for consideration and vote at the March 2022 session of AC.3.

165. He summarized the minimum performance requirements and prescriptions that had been developed for this UN GTR and concluded by highlighting that the IWG on EVE was expected to establish similar requirements for heavy-duty vehicles, with activities on this field expecting to start early in 2022.

19.16. Proposal for a draft UN GTR on durability of after treatment devices for two- and three-wheeled motor vehicles (Environmental and Propulsion Performance Requirements of L-category vehicles)

166. Due to lack of time, AC.3 deferred consideration of this agenda item to its next session scheduled for March 2022.

19.17. Proposal for a draft UN GTR on brake particulate emissions

167. AC.3 adopted ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2021/150 and requested the secretariat to issue it as AC.3 document for the next session of AC.3.

WP.29/2021/150 | Request for authorization to develop a new UN GTR on brake particulate emissions Request from GRPE for AC.3 authorization to draft a new GTR based on work under the PMP informal group.
20. Items on which the exchange of views and data should continue or begin
20.1. Harmonization of side impact

1. Side impact dummies (agenda item 20.1 (a))
168. No subject was raised under this agenda item.

2. Pole side impact (agenda item 20.1 (b))
169. No subject was raised under this agenda item.

20.2. Specifications for the 3-D H-point machine

170. No new information was provided under this agenda item.

20.3. Event Data Recorder (EDR)

171. AC.3 recalled the oral report of the Chair of GRSG related to EDR where he had highlighted that the guidance document on EDR performance elements appropriate for adoption in 1958 and 1998 Agreement resolutions or Regulations was still under development.

21. Other business

172. No new information was provided under this agenda item.

22. Establishment of the Committee AC.4 and election of officers for the year 2021

173. The Administrative Committee (AC.4) did not convene, as recommended by AC.2 during its 137th session.

23. Amendments to Rules annexed to the 1997 Agreement

174. No subject was raised under this agenda item.

24. Establishment of new Rules to be annexed to the 1997 Agreement

175. No subject was raised under this agenda item.

25. Other business: 1997 Agreement

176. No subject was raised under this agenda item.