previous meeting | next meeting |
This session uses a new schedule under which AC.2 will meet from 9:00 on Tuesday, 12 November, followed by the opening of the plenary WP.29 session at 14:30. The session will conclude by 17:30 on Thursday, 14 November with the reading of the report.
Attendance | ||||
Opening remarks | ||||
1. | Adoption of the agenda |
In accordance with Chapter III, Rule 7 of the Rules of Procedure of the World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations (WP.29) (TRANS/WP.29/690, Amend.1 and Amend.2), the first item on the provisional agenda is the adoption of the agenda.
WP.29-179-03 | Running order of the agenda for the 179th (November 2019) WP.29 session
WP.29-179-04 | Consolidated agenda for the 179th WP.29 session
WP.29/1148 | WP.29: Annotated provisional agenda for the 179th (November 2019) session
2. | Coordination and organization of work | |||
2.1. | Report of the session of the Administrative Committee for the Coordination of Work (WP.29/AC.2) |
The Chair of the Administrative Committee (WP.29/AC.2) will report on the discussions held during its 131st session and submit the recommendations of the Administrative Committee to the World Forum for consideration and adoption. |
2.2. | Programme of work and documentation |
The World Forum may wish to consider the programme of work and the list of Informal Working Groups (IWGs).
WP.29-179-01 | WP.29, Working Parties, Informal Working Groups and Chairs
WP.29-179-02 | WP.29 calendar of meetings for 2020
WP.29/2019/1/Rev.2 | WP.29 Programme of Work
2.3. | Intelligent Transport Systems and coordination of automated vehicles related activities |
The World Forum agreed to continue consideration of the work related to automated vehicles. WP.29 is expected to coordinate the activities within its GRs towards possible regulatory development for automated vehicles in the legal framework of both the 1958 and 1998 Agreements (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/1139, para. 35).
WP.29-179-05 | Collaboration and common approaches between WP.1-WP.29 on automated vehicles
Submission from WP.1 on road safety.
WP.29-179-18 | Consumer views on automated and connected vehicles
WP.29-179-19 | Comparison between Event Data Recorder (EDR) and Data Storage System for Automated Driving (DSSAD)
WP.29-179-19 | Comparison between Event Data Recorder (EDR) and Data Storage System for Automated Driving (DSSAD)
WP.29-179-23 | AV Framework Document: Proposal for amendment
Proposal to add "extended occupant safety systems" to the list of AV safety elements for consideration and development. The aim is to ensure consideration of new seating positions and occupant postures that may emerge as automated and autonomous vehicles enable new mobility concepts and intended uses of vehicles.
WP.29-179-24 | Cybersecurity and Software Update Processes: Report on the UN Regulations validation test phase
WP.29-179-25 | Proposal for a corrigendum to the Framework Document on automated vehicles
WP.29-179-25 | Proposal for a corrigendum to the Framework Document on automated vehicles
WP.29-179-25 | Proposal for a corrigendum to the Framework Document on automated vehicles
WP.29-179-25 | Proposal for a corrigendum to the Framework Document on automated vehicles
WP.29-179-27 | Cybersecurity: CEN/ISO standards solutions
"Practicable, workable, acceptable solutions for cybersecurity for connected vehicles through the use of CEN/ISO Standards".
WP.29-179-28 | Cybersecurity: How ISO 21217 works
WP.29-179-29 | ISO/TS 21177:2019 Intelligent transport systems
Password protected: WP29_179
WP.29-179-30 | ISO 21217:2014 Intelligent transport systems — Communications access for land mobiles (CALM) — Architecture
Password protected: WP29_179
WP.29-179-31 | ISO/TS 21185 Intelligent transport systems -- Communication profiles for secure connections between trusted devices
Password protected: WP29_179
WP.29-179-32 | ISO/AWI TS 21184 Intelligent transport systems — Management of messages containing information of sensor and control networks specified in data dictionaries
Password protected: WP29_179
WP.29/2019/34/Rev.1 | Framework document on automated/autonomous vehicles
WP.29-179-19 | Comparison between Event Data Recorder (EDR) and Data Storage System for Automated Driving (DSSAD)
WP.29-179-25 | Proposal for a corrigendum to the Framework Document on automated vehicles
WP.29/2019/34/Rev.2 | Revised Framework document on automated/autonomous vehicles
3. | Consideration of the reports of the Working Parties (GRs) subsidiary to WP.29 |
The World Forum is expected to consider and approve the reports of the Working Parties on Lighting and Light-Signalling (GRE), on General Safety Provisions (GRSG), on Passive Safety (GRSP), on Pollution and Energy (GRPE) and on Automated/Autonomous and Connected Vehicles (GRVA). |
3.1. | Working Party on Lighting and Light-Signalling (GRE) (Eighty-first session, 15-18 April 2019) |
GRE/81 | Report of the GRE on its 81st (April 2019) session
3.2. | Working Party on General Safety Provisions (GRSG) (116th session, 1-5 April 2019) |
GRSG/95 | Report of GRSG on its 116th (April 2019) session
3.3. | Working Party on Passive Safety (GRSP) (Sixty-fifth session, 13-17 May 2019) |
GRSP/65 | Report of the GRSP on its 65th (May 2019) session
3.4. | Working Party on Pollution and Energy (GRPE) (Seventy-ninth session, 21-24 May 2019) |
GRPE/79 | Report of the GRPE on its 79th (May 2019) session
GRPE/79/Add.1 | GTR 2: Amendment 4 as approved by GRPE
Proposal to further harmonize test procedures for two-wheeled vehicles equipped with conventional combustion engine technology, including restructuring to dedicate separate sections to test types I (tailpipe emission after cold start), II (idle / free acceleration emissions) and VII (energy efficiency). The amendment aligns the GTR with technological progress, including changes related to<ol><li>reference fuels</li><li>temperature conversion</li><li>forced induction systems (turbo/super-chargers)</li><li>treatment of open/closed systems</li><li>test room humidity</li><li>CO<sub>2</sub> tolerance, and</li><li>reference mass of the vehicle.</li></ol>
3.5. | Working Party on Automated/Autonomous and Connected Vehicles (GRVA) (Third session, 3-4 June 2019) |
GRVA/3 | Report of the GRVA on its 3rd session
3.6. | Highlights of the recent sessions | |||
3.6.1. | Working Party on Noise (GRBP) (Seventieth session, 11-13 September 2019) |
The Chair of GRBP will report orally on the highlights of the session. |
3.6.2. | Working Party on Automated, Autonomous and Connected Vehicles (GRVA) (Fourth session, 24-27 September 2019) |
The Chair of GRVA will report orally on the highlights of the session. |
3.6.3. | Working Party on General Safety Provisions (GRSG) (117th session, 8-11 October 2019) |
The Chair of GRSG will report orally on the highlights of the session. |
3.6.4. | Working Party on Lighting and Light-Signalling (GRE) (Eighty-second session, 22-25 October 2019) |
The Chair of GRE will report orally on the highlights of the session. |
4. | 1958 Agreement | |||
4.1. | Status of the Agreement and of the annexed Regulations |
The secretariat will present the status of the Agreement and of the annexed UN Regulations on the basis of a new version of ECE/TRANS/WP.29/343/Rev.27, containing all information received by secretariat up to 1 November 2019. Subsequent modifications to the original status document will be available in the document informal updated version of ECE/TRANS/WP.29/343/Rev.27. Information on notified Type Approval Authorities and designated Technical Services is made available via the online tool. |
4.2. | Guidance requested by the Working Parties on matters related to UN Regulations annexed to the 1958 Agreement |
The World Forum may wish to consider and to provide guidance on any matter related to the 1958 Agreement at the request of the Chairs of the Working Parties subsidiary to WP.29. |
4.2.1. | Reproduction and reference to private standards in UN Regulations, UN Global Technical Regulations (UN GTRs) and Rules |
The World Forum agreed to resume consideration of this issue. |
4.2.2. | Guidance on amendments to UN Regulations annexed to the 1958 Agreement |
The World Forum agreed to continue consideration of this issue which affects both the current version of the 1958 Agreement (Revision 3) as well as its previous version. WP.29 may wish to continue considerations on the update of the guidelines on amendments to UN Regulations at the November 2019 session, if any. |
4.3. | Development of the International Whole Vehicle Type Approval (IWVTA) system |
The Chair of the Informal Working Group on IWVTA will report on the work progress made during the meetings of the group and of the two subgroups in charge of drafting the amendments to the Agreement and to UN Regulation No. 0. The World Forum will consider the following proposals and may decide to submit them to AC.1 with recommendations on their adoption by vote.
WP.29-179-08 | IWVTA informal group: Report to WP.29
Proposed list of UN Regulations applicable to IWVTA Phase 2 (2018 – 2022).
4.2.1. Proposal for Supplement 1 to the original series of UN Regulation No. 0 (IWVTA) |
4.4. | Revision 3 to the 1958 Agreement |
The World Forum may wish to be informed on the implementation status of the Revision 3 of the 1958 Agreement. |
4.5. | Development of an electronic database for the exchange of type approval documentation (DETA) |
The expert from Germany will report on the current hosting activities of DETA. The secretariat will report on the situation for hosting of DETA by UNECE.
WP.29-179-09 | Report of the 36th DETA informal group session
WP.29-179-21 | Presentation on the DETA activity state-of-play
WP.29/2019/77 | DETA: Specifications and application guidelines for the Unique Identifier (UI) module
WP.29/2019/78 | DETA: Specifications and application guidelines for the Declaration of Conformity (DoC) module
4.6. | Consideration of draft amendments to existing UN Regulations submitted by GRE |
The World Forum will consider the following proposals and may decide to submit them to the Administrative Committee of the 1958 Agreement (AC.1) with recommendations on its adoption by vote. Proposals not subject to presentation by the GRE Chair (A-Points): |
4.6.1. | Proposal for a new 02 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 74 (Installation of lighting and light-signalling devices for mopeds) |
(ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/81, para. 22, based on ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2019/2 as amended by Annex IV to the report)
WP.29/2019/79 | UN R74: Proposal for a new 02 series of amendments
Proposal to require installation of direction indicators on mopeds.
WP.29/2019/79 | UN R74: Proposal for a new 02 series of amendments
Proposal to require installation of direction indicators on mopeds.
4.6.2. | Proposal for a new 03 series of amendments to UN Regulation No.53 (Installation of lighting and light-signalling devices for L3 vehicles) |
ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/80, para. 28, based on ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2018/50 as amended by para. 28 of the report and ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/81, para. 19, based on ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2019/12
WP.29/2019/80 | UN R53: Proposal for a new 03 series of amendments
Proposal to introduce requirements for automatic switching from DRL to headlamp(s) if the maximum luminous intensity of DRL is above 700 cd and to restore the original automatic headlamp ON (AHO) requirement for vehicles not equipped with daytime running lamps (DRL) modified by the 03 series.
4.6.3. | Proposal for Supplement 1 to the original series of UN Regulation No. [148] on Light-Signalling Devices (LSD) |
ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/80, paras. 11, 12, 20 and 28, based on ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2018/36, ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2018/33, ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2018/42 as amended by Annex III, ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2018/50
WP.29/2019/81 | UN R148: Supplement 1
Proposal to<ul><li>clarify paragraph 2.1 with regard to definitions: “All the definitions given in the latest series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 48 in force at the time of application for type approval shall apply, unless otherwise specified in this UN Regulation or in the pertinent installation UN Regulations Nos. 53, 74 and 86.”</li><li>amend the inboard visibility angle for rear position lamps in pairs in the new UN Regulation on Light-Signalling Devices (LSD)</li><li>Use of LED substitute light source(s) is allowed and does not constitute a change of the lamp type. However, lamp performances shall be tested during type approval also with the LED substitute light source. Approval of the lamp using filament light source(s) is a prerequisite for approval of the lamp using LED substitute light source(s).</li><li>Testing with LED substitute light sources is exempted from conformity of production control.</li><li>The technical description shall include notice that the lamp also has to be approved with the LED substitute light source(s) according to UN R128 if the applicant has so determined.</li><li>The approval marking or the Unique Identifier as well as the category or categories of LED substitute light source(s) prescribed, if any, shall be visible.</li><li>The indication of both the holder of the filament light source and of its LED counterpart light source, if any, shall be explicitly provided.</li><li>Introduce requirements for automatic switching from DRL to headlamp(s) if the maximum luminous intensity of DRL is above 700 cd.</li></ul>
4.6.4. | Proposal for Supplement 1 to the original series of UN Regulation No. [149] on Road Illumination Devices (RID) |
ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/80, para. 11, based on ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2018/37
WP.29/2019/82 | UN R149: Proposal for Supplement 1
Proposal to specify the use of UN R48 definitions unless otherwise specified in the current regulation or in lighting installation regulations for other vehicles categories (i.e., in UN R53, R74, or R86) and to otherwise clarify the text in Annex 2.
WP.29/2019/82 | UN R149: Proposal for Supplement 1
Proposal to specify the use of UN R48 definitions unless otherwise specified in the current regulation or in lighting installation regulations for other vehicles categories (i.e., in UN R53, R74, or R86) and to otherwise clarify the text in Annex 2.
4.6.5. | Proposal for Supplement 2 to the original series of UN Regulation No. [149] on Road Illumination Devices (RID) |
ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/82, para. XX, based on GRE-82-02
WP.29/2019/125 | UN R149: Proposal for Supplement 2
Proposal from the Simplification of Lighting Regulations informal group to delete the luminous intensities minimum requirements for the measuring point 50L (which are not in UN R112 and therefore should not be in UN R149) from Table 8 and to correct a typo in the angular position for S100RR in Table 13. Given its urgency, the proposal has been submitted in parallel for GRE consideration (GRE-82-02).
4.6.6. | Proposal for Supplement 1 to the original series of UN Regulation No. [150] on Retro-Reflective Devices (RRD) |
ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/80, para. 11, based on ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2018/38
WP.29/2019/83 | UN R150: Proposal for Supplement 1
Proposal to improve the text, adds that the definitions in UN R48 apply unless the regulation or the vehicle-category-specific regulations (UN R53, 78, 86) specify different applicable definitions, to clarify that the construction provision and prohibition on use of paints or varnishes under paragraph 4.1.6 only apply to retro-reflectors, to correct the omission of Class F devices from the title of paragraph 5.4., and to add the water-resistance test (from UN R69 and R70) to Annex 7.
4.6.7. | Proposal for Supplement 13 to the 06 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 48 (Installation of lighting and light-signalling devices) |
ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/80, para. 18, based on ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2018/41 and ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/81, para. 16, based on ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2019/5
WP.29/2019/84 | UN R48: Proposal for Supplement 13 to the 06 series of amendments
Proposal to correct and clarify the requirements for daytime running lamps (DRL) in conjunction with rear position lamps and to introduce requirements for light emitting diode (LED) substitute light sources.
WP.29/2019/84 | UN R48: Proposal for Supplement 13 to the 06 series of amendments
Proposal to correct and clarify the requirements for daytime running lamps (DRL) in conjunction with rear position lamps and to introduce requirements for light emitting diode (LED) substitute light sources.
4.6.8. | Proposal for Supplement 3 to the 02 series of amendments to UN Regulation No.53 (Installation of lighting and light-signalling devices for L3 vehicles) |
ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/79, para. 36 and ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/80, paras. 12, 15 and 18, based on ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2018/28, ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2018/29, ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2018/35 and ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2018/41
WP.29/2019/85 | UN R53: Proposal for Supplement 3 to the 02 series of amendments
Proposal to<ul><li>align UN R50 and UN R53 regarding the inward geometric visibility requirements for rear position lamps;</li><li>to allow the use of different stop lamp activation methods for powered two-wheelers as currently applicable for four-wheelers; e.g. by the application of a retarder or a similar device.</li><li>restore the definition of “device” (because the definition under UN R53 differs from that under UN R48)</li><li>delete the definitions of “bend lighting”, “H plane”, “sequential activation” and “emergency stop signal” (because they are identical to the definitions in UN R48), and</li><li>introduce requirements for light emitting diode (LED) substitute light sources.</li></ul>
4.6.9. | Proposal for Supplement 21 to the 01 series of amendments to UN Regulation No.53 (Installation of lighting and light-signalling devices for L3 vehicles) |
ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/79, para. 36 and ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/80, para. 12, based on ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2018/28 and ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2018/29
WP.29/2019/86 | UN R53: Proposal for Supplement 21 to the 01 series of amendments
Proposal to align UN R50 and UN R53 regarding the inward geometric visibility requirements for rear position lamps, to allow the use of different stop lamp activation methods for powered two-wheelers as currently applicable for four-wheelers; e.g. by the application of a retarder or a similar device, and to make editorial corrections.
4.6.10. | Proposal for Supplement 11 to the 01 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 74 (Installation of lighting and light-signalling devices for mopeds) |
ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/80, para. 18, based on ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2018/41
WP.29/2019/87 | UN R74: Proposal for Supplement 11 to the 01 series of amendments
Proposal to introduce requirements for light emitting diode (LED) substitute light sources.
WP.29/2019/87 | UN R74: Proposal for Supplement 11 to the 01 series of amendments
Proposal to introduce requirements for light emitting diode (LED) substitute light sources.
WP.29/2019/87 | UN R74: Proposal for Supplement 11 to the 01 series of amendments
Proposal to introduce requirements for light emitting diode (LED) substitute light sources.
4.6.11. | Proposal for Supplement 2 to the 01 series of amendments to Regulation No. 86 (Installation of lighting and light-signalling devices for agricultural vehicles) |
ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/80, para. 18, based on ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2018/41
WP.29/2019/88 | UN R86: Proposal for Supplement 2 to the 01 series of amendments
Proposal to introduce requirements for light emitting diode (LED) substitute light sources.
4.6.12. | Proposal for Supplement 1 to the 02 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 98 (Headlamps with gas-discharge light sources) |
ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/80, para. 14, based on ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2018/32
WP.29/2019/89 | UN R98: Proposal for Supplement 1 to the 02 series of amendments
Proposal to make explicit reference to UN R149 (Road Illumination Devices) in order to enable the continued acceptance of headlamps compliant with UN Regulations under Canada's CMVSS 108.
4.6.13. | Proposal for Supplement 1 to the 02 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 112 (Headlamps emitting an asymmetrical passing-beam) |
ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/80, para. 14, based on ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2018/32
WP.29/2019/90 | UN R112: Proposal for Supplement 1 to the 02 series of amendments
Proposal to make explicit reference to UN R149 (Road Illumination Devices) in order to enable the continued acceptance of headlamps compliant with UN Regulations under Canada’s CMVSS 108.
4.6.14. | Proposal for Supplement 1 to the 03 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 113 (Headlamps emitting a symmetrical passing-beam) |
ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/80, para. 14, based on ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2018/32
WP.29/2019/91 | UN R113: Proposal for Supplement 1 to the 03 series of amendments
Proposal to make explicit reference to UN R149 (Road Illumination Devices) in order to enable the continued acceptance of headlamps compliant with UN Regulations under Canada’s CMVSS 108.
4.6.15. | Proposal for Supplement 1 to the 02 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 123 (Adaptive front lighting systems (AFS)) |
ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/80, para. 14, based on ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2018/32
WP.29/2019/92 | UN R123: Proposal for Supplement 1 to the 02 series of amendments
Proposal to make explicit reference to UN R149 (Road Illumination Devices) in order to enable the continued acceptance of headlamps compliant with UN Regulations under Canada’s CMVSS 108.
WP.29/2019/92 | UN R123: Proposal for Supplement 1 to the 02 series of amendments
Proposal to make explicit reference to UN R149 (Road Illumination Devices) in order to enable the continued acceptance of headlamps compliant with UN Regulations under Canada’s CMVSS 108.
4.7. | Consideration of draft amendments to existing UN Regulations submitted by GRSG |
The World Forum will consider the following proposals and may decide to submit them to AC.1 with recommendations on their adoption by vote. 4.7.1. Proposal for the 01 series of amendments to UN R35 Proposals not subject to presentation by the GRSG Chair (A-Points): 4.7.3. Proposal for Supplement 9 to the 01 series of amendments to UN R43 |
4.7.1. | Proposal for the 01 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 35 (Foot controls) |
ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/95, para. 18, based on ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/2019/3 as reproduced in Annex II of the report. At the October 2019 GRSG session, OICA (the originator of the proposal) requested the withdrawal of this proposal.
WP.29/2019/93 | UN R35: Proposal for the 01 series of amendments
Proposal to clarify the measurement method of the lateral distance between the left-most pedal and the nearest “wall”. <span style="color:red">During the October 2019 GRSG session, OICA asked that the working party request WP.29 to withdraw this proposal to allow for further consideration.</span>
WP.29/2019/93 | UN R35: Proposal for the 01 series of amendments
Proposal to clarify the measurement method of the lateral distance between the left-most pedal and the nearest “wall”. <span style="color:red">During the October 2019 GRSG session, OICA asked that the working party request WP.29 to withdraw this proposal to allow for further consideration.</span>
4.7.2. | Proposal for the 03 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 67 (LPG vehicles) |
ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/95, para. 39, based on ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/2017/22 as reproduced in Annex IV of the report
WP.29/2019/94 | UN R67: Proposal for the 03 series of amendments
Proposal to insert new provisions on the location on the vehicle of the filling unit, marking of the LPG container date of production, and a limitation on the maximum service life of LPG containers to 15 years.
WP.29/2019/94 | UN R67: Proposal for the 03 series of amendments
Proposal to insert new provisions on the location on the vehicle of the filling unit, marking of the LPG container date of production, and a limitation on the maximum service life of LPG containers to 15 years.
WP.29/2019/94 | UN R67: Proposal for the 03 series of amendments
Proposal to insert new provisions on the location on the vehicle of the filling unit, marking of the LPG container date of production, and a limitation on the maximum service life of LPG containers to 15 years.
WP.29/2019/94 | UN R67: Proposal for the 03 series of amendments
Proposal to insert new provisions on the location on the vehicle of the filling unit, marking of the LPG container date of production, and a limitation on the maximum service life of LPG containers to 15 years.
4.7.3. | Proposal for Supplement 9 to the 01 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 43 (Safety glazing) |
ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/95, para. 25, based on ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/2019/5
WP.29/2019/95 | UN R43: Proposal for Supplement 9 to the 01 series of amendments
Proposal to delete the reference to abrasion requirements in Annex 3, paragraph since abrasion resistance is not relevant in the assessment of resistance to weathering.
4.7.4. | Proposal for Supplement 8 to the 01 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 55 (Mechanical couplings) |
WP.29/2019/96 | UN R55: Proposal for Supplement 8 to the 01 series of amendments
Proposal to improve the communication document. The current wording of item 2 in Annex 1 is redundant with item 3 and not aligned with similar texts (UN R58 or R73). The key point of item 2 is to identify the type of device or component approved.
WP.29/2019/96 | UN R55: Proposal for Supplement 8 to the 01 series of amendments
Proposal to improve the communication document. The current wording of item 2 in Annex 1 is redundant with item 3 and not aligned with similar texts (UN R58 or R73). The key point of item 2 is to identify the type of device or component approved.
WP.29/2019/96 | UN R55: Proposal for Supplement 8 to the 01 series of amendments
Proposal to improve the communication document. The current wording of item 2 in Annex 1 is redundant with item 3 and not aligned with similar texts (UN R58 or R73). The key point of item 2 is to identify the type of device or component approved.
4.7.5. | Proposal for Supplement 1 to the 03 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 58 (Rear underrun protection) |
WP.29/2019/97 | UN R58: Proposal for Supplement 1 to the 03 series of amendments
Proposal to clarify category G (off-road vehicles) ground clearance requirements, clarify the table of Annex 7 (requirements for different vehicle categories) with regard to requirements for M<sub>1</sub>G, N<sub>1</sub>G,M<sub>2</sub>G, N<sub>2</sub>G, M<sub>3</sub>G and N<sub>3</sub>G, and to clarify provisions on the installation of RUPD.
4.7.6. | Proposal for Supplement 2 to the 02 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 67 (LPG vehicles) |
WP.29/2019/98 | UN R67: Proposal for Supplement 2 to the 02 series of amendments
Proposal to improve the specifications for LPG multi-valves in order to reduce the risks of blockage of the PRV/PRD due to deterioration of the hose connecting the PRV/PRD of the multi-valve to the gaseous phase.
4.7.7. | Proposal for Supplement 8 to the 06 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 107 (M2 and M3 vehicles) |
WP.29/2019/99 | UN R107: Proposal for Supplement 8 to the 06 series of amendments
Proposal to lower the minimum mass requirement for an articulated vehicle of Class I having four or more axles of which two are steering axles.
WP.29/2019/101 | UN R107: Proposal for Supplement 2 to the 08 series of amendments
Proposal to lower the minimum mass requirement for an articulated vehicle of Class I having four or more axles of which two are steering axles.
WP.29/2019/99 | UN R107: Proposal for Supplement 8 to the 06 series of amendments
Proposal to lower the minimum mass requirement for an articulated vehicle of Class I having four or more axles of which two are steering axles.
4.7.8. | Proposal for Supplement 3 to the 07 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 107 (M2 and M3 vehicles) |
WP.29/2019/100 | UN R107: Proposal for Supplement 3 to the 07 series of amendments
Proposal to lower the minimum mass requirement for an articulated vehicle of Class I having four or more axles of which two are steering axles.
4.7.9. | Proposal for Supplement 2 to the 08 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 107 (M2 and M3 vehicles) |
WP.29/2019/101 | UN R107: Proposal for Supplement 2 to the 08 series of amendments
Proposal to lower the minimum mass requirement for an articulated vehicle of Class I having four or more axles of which two are steering axles.
WP.29/2019/99 | UN R107: Proposal for Supplement 8 to the 06 series of amendments
Proposal to lower the minimum mass requirement for an articulated vehicle of Class I having four or more axles of which two are steering axles.
4.7.10. | Proposal for Supplement 7 to UN Regulation No. 116 (Anti-theft and alarm systems) |
WP.29/2019/102 | UN R116: Proposal for Supplement 7
Proposal to clarify that anti-theft-related vehicle components such as keys are not subject to the environmental tests (section 6.4.) of UN R116 which were established for components embedded in the vehicle.
4.8. | Consideration of draft amendments to existing UN Regulations submitted by GRSP |
The World Forum will consider the following proposals and may decide to submit them to AC.1 with recommendations on their adoption by vote. 4.8.1. Proposal for the 04 series of amendments to UN R80 Proposals not subject to presentation by the GRSP Chair (A-Points): 4.8.2. Proposal for Supplement 12 to the 06 series of amendments to UN R16 |
4.8.1. | Proposal for the 04 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 80 (Strength of seats and their anchorages (buses)) |
ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/65, para. 26, based on GRSP-65-29-Rev.1, as reproduced in Annex IV to the report.
WP.29/2019/103 | UN R80: Proposal for the 04 series of amendments
Proposal to raise requirements for the attachments and fittings of the seat (as a prelude to the eventual deletion of static test methods in favor of dynamic testing).
WP.29/2019/103 | UN R80: Proposal for the 04 series of amendments
Proposal to raise requirements for the attachments and fittings of the seat (as a prelude to the eventual deletion of static test methods in favor of dynamic testing).
4.8.2. | Proposal for Supplement 12 to the 06 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 16 (Safety-belts) |
ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/65, para. 18, based on ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/2019/6 and ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/2018/25
WP.29/2019/104 | UN R16: Proposal for Supplement 12 to the 06 series of amendments
Proposal to clarify that modifications need only be notified to the Type Approval Authority when they have an influence on the performance (compliance with technical requirements of UN R16) and/or the documentation required by the UN Regulation. The proposal also updates the Communication Form to add rear safety belt reminders.
WP.29/2019/105 | UN R16: Proposal for Supplement 5 to the 07 series of amendments
Proposal to clarify that modifications need only be notified to the Type Approval Authority when they have an influence on the performance (compliance with technical requirements of UN R16) and/or the documentation required by the UN Regulation. The proposal also updates the Communication Form to add rear safety belt reminders.
4.8.3. | Proposal for Supplement 5 to the 07 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 16 (Safety-belts) |
ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/65, para. 18, based on ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/2019/6 and ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/2018/25
WP.29/2019/105 | UN R16: Proposal for Supplement 5 to the 07 series of amendments
Proposal to clarify that modifications need only be notified to the Type Approval Authority when they have an influence on the performance (compliance with technical requirements of UN R16) and/or the documentation required by the UN Regulation. The proposal also updates the Communication Form to add rear safety belt reminders.
WP.29/2019/105 | UN R16: Proposal for Supplement 5 to the 07 series of amendments
Proposal to clarify that modifications need only be notified to the Type Approval Authority when they have an influence on the performance (compliance with technical requirements of UN R16) and/or the documentation required by the UN Regulation. The proposal also updates the Communication Form to add rear safety belt reminders.
4.8.4. | Proposal for Supplement 4 the 01 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 21 (Interior fittings) |
ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/65, para. 59, based on GRSP-65-03, as reproduced in Annex VII to the report.
WP.29/2019/106 | UN R21: Proposal for Supplement 4 the 01 series of amendments
Proposal to clarify rounded-edge requirements for roof-opening roof devices.
4.8.5. | Proposal for Supplement 5 to the 03 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 29 (Cabs of commercial vehicles) |
ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/65, para. 24, based on ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/2019/2.
WP.29/2019/107 | UN R29: Proposal for Supplement 5 the 03 series of amendments
Proposal to introduce a tolerance for the position of the loading device during the test. The loading device is required to be parallel to the x-y plane of the chassis. This proposal would add a z dimension to the x-y plane and set a tolerance such that the loading device may not deviate by more than 5° along the z-axis.
4.8.6. | Proposal Supplement 17 to the 04 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 44 (Child restraint systems) |
ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/65, para. 25, based on GRSP-65-28, as reproduced in Annex III to the report.
WP.29/2019/108 | UN R44: Proposal for Supplement 17 to the 04 series of amendments
Proposal to clarify the chest Z axis measurement requirement.
4.8.7. | Proposal for Supplement 3 to the 03 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 129 (Enhanced Child Restraint Systems) |
ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/65, para. 34, based on ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/2019/12 as amended by Annex V to the report.
WP.29/2019/109 | UN R129: Proposal for Supplement 3 to the 03 series of amendments
Proposal to include booster cushion without a backrest within the scope of the 03 series of amendments to UN R129.
4.8.8. | Proposal for Supplement 2 to the original series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 135 (Pole Side Impact (PSI)) |
ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/65, para. 37 based on ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/2019/13 as amended by Annex VI to the report.
WP.29/2019/110 | UN R135: Proposal for Supplement 2 to the original series of amendments
Proposal to introduce objective criteria for evaluating whether a door remains latched following the pole impact test.
4.8.9. | Proposal for Supplement 2 to the 01 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 135 (Pole Side Impact (PSI)) |
ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/65, para. 37 based on ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/2019/13 as amended by Annex VI to the report.
WP.29/2019/111 | UN R135: Proposal for Supplement 2 to the 01 series of amendments
Proposal to introduce objective criteria for evaluating whether a door remains latched following the pole impact test. Under UN R135, rear doors on the impacted side of the vehicle not directly struck by the pole may nonetheless be subjected to heavy loads and therefore need to be assessed. This proposal corresponds to a similar clarification already introduced into UN R95 on side impacts. The proposal is also available with <a href="" target="_blank">track changes</a>.
WP.29/2019/110 | UN R135: Proposal for Supplement 2 to the original series of amendments
Proposal to introduce objective criteria for evaluating whether a door remains latched following the pole impact test.
4.9. | Consideration of draft amendments to existing UN Regulations submitted by GRPE |
The World Forum will consider the following proposals and may decide to submit them to AC.1 with recommendations on their adoption by vote. Proposals not subject to presentation by the GRPE Chair (A-Points): 4.9.1. Proposal for Supplement 10 to UN R85 |
4.9.1. | Proposal for Supplement 10 to UN Regulation No. 85 (Measurement of the net power and the 30 min. power) |
ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRPE/79, para. 34, based on ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRPE/2019/11 as amended by GRPE-79-27-Rev.1 as reproduced in Annex V
WP.29/2019/112 | UN R85: Proposal for Supplement 10
Proposal to allow an alternative test method (recognized in SAE J1349) to “set the charge air cooler outlet temperature during bench test to temperature which was observed by vehicle test and corrected to the reference temperature specified in paragraph 5.2.1.” of Annex 5.
4.9.2. | Proposal for Supplement 9 to UN Regulation No. 115 (LPG and CNG retrofit systems) |
ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRPE/79, para. 32, based on ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRPE/2019/10 as amended by Annex IV
WP.29/2019/113 | UN R115: Proposal for Supplement 9
Proposal to list conditions, especially with regard to retrofit systems, under which indirect and direct injection vehicles may be considered as belonging to the same vehicle family. Gasoline direct injection vehicles which operate in indirect gas injection mode should be listed in the same family as indirect gasoline injection vehicles, as the applied gas injection technology is the same and provided that at least one such vehicle is tested as parent vehicle according to the requirements of this Regulation.
WP.29/2019/113 | UN R115: Proposal for Supplement 9
Proposal to list conditions, especially with regard to retrofit systems, under which indirect and direct injection vehicles may be considered as belonging to the same vehicle family. Gasoline direct injection vehicles which operate in indirect gas injection mode should be listed in the same family as indirect gasoline injection vehicles, as the applied gas injection technology is the same and provided that at least one such vehicle is tested as parent vehicle according to the requirements of this Regulation.
WP.29/2019/113 | UN R115: Proposal for Supplement 9
Proposal to list conditions, especially with regard to retrofit systems, under which indirect and direct injection vehicles may be considered as belonging to the same vehicle family. Gasoline direct injection vehicles which operate in indirect gas injection mode should be listed in the same family as indirect gasoline injection vehicles, as the applied gas injection technology is the same and provided that at least one such vehicle is tested as parent vehicle according to the requirements of this Regulation.
4.9.3. | Proposal for Supplement 10 to the 07 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 83 (Emissions of M1 and N1 vehicles) |
WP.29/2019/127 | UN R83: Proposal for Supplement 10 to the 07 series of amendments
Proposal from the GRPE secretariat to correct omissions found in document WP.29/2018/148 (proposal for Supplement 8 to the 07 series of amendments) as adopted by WP.29. The proposal formulated as a Corrigendum was adopted in principle as document WP.29/2019/60 during the June 2019 session but is resubmitted here as a Supplement for administrative reasons.
4.10. | Consideration of draft amendments to existing UN Regulations submitted by GRVA | |||
4.10.1. | Proposal for Supplement 2 to the 03 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 79 (Steering equipment) |
Proposal for Supplement 2 to the 03 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 79 (Steering equipment)
WP.29-179-15 | UN R79: Proposal for amendments to document WP.29/2019/114
Amendments submitted from GRVA.
WP.29/2019/114 | UN R79: Proposal for the Supplement 2 to the 03 series of amendments
Proposal to introduce provisions for the approval of Remote Control Manoeuvring (RCM) systems.
4.11. | Consideration of draft corrigenda to existing UN Regulations submitted by GRs if any | |||
4.11.1. | Proposal for Corrigendum 2 to Revision 5 to UN Regulation No. 17 (Strength of seats) |
ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/65, para. 21, based on GRSP-65-19, as reproduced in Annex II to the report
WP.29/2019/115 | UN R17: Proposal for Corrigendum 1 to the 08 series of amendments
Proposal to correct the cross-reference to paragraph 5.11. in paragraph The text should refer to paragraph 5.12.
WP.29/2019/115 | UN R17: Proposal for Corrigendum 1 to the 08 series of amendments
Proposal to correct the cross-reference to paragraph 5.11. in paragraph The text should refer to paragraph 5.12.
4.11.2. | Proposal for Corrigendum 1 to the 09 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 17 (Strength of seats) |
ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/65, para. 21, based on GRSP-65-19, as reproduced in Annex II to the report
WP.29/2019/116 | UN R17: Proposal for Corrigendum 1 to the 09 series of amendments
Proposal to correct the cross-reference to paragraph 5.11. in paragraph The text should refer to paragraph 5.12.
4.12. | Consideration of draft corrigenda to existing UN Regulations submitted by the secretariat, if any |
No proposals for corrigenda have been submitted. |
4.13. | Consideration of proposals for new UN Regulations submitted by the Working Parties subsidiary to the World Forum |
No proposals for corrigenda have been submitted. |
4.14. | Proposal for amendments to the Consolidated Resolution on the Construction of Vehicles (R.E.3) submitted by the Working Parties to the World Forum for consideration | |||
4.14.1. | Proposal for an amendment to the Consolidated Resolution on the Construction of Vehicles (R.E.3) |
ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/95, para. 56, based on ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/2019/8
WP.29/2019/117 | RE3: Proposal for an amendment to the Consolidated Resolution on the Construction of Vehicles
Proposal to introduce a definition for "Twinned wheels" (two wheels functioning as one on the same axle) and accordingly update definitions for Category L<sub>1</sub> and L<sub>3</sub> vehicles.
4.14.12. | Proposal for an amendment to Annex IV of Consolidated Resolution on the Construction of Vehicles (R.E. 3) |
ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRPE/79, para. 72, based on ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRPE/2019/13
WP.29-179-06 | RE3: Proposal for amendments to document WP.29/2019/118
WP.29/2019/118 | RE3: Proposal for an amendment to Annex 4 to the Consolidated Resolution on the Construction of Vehicles
Proposal to amend the annex on market fuel quality to provide recommendations for parallel introduction of fuel (gasoline and diesel) quality standards and the corresponding emissions standards given their interdependence and complementarity.
WP.29/2019/118 | RE3: Proposal for an amendment to Annex 4 to the Consolidated Resolution on the Construction of Vehicles
Proposal to amend the annex on market fuel quality to provide recommendations for parallel introduction of fuel (gasoline and diesel) quality standards and the corresponding emissions standards given their interdependence and complementarity.
4.15. | Proposal for amendments to the Consolidated Resolution on the common specification of light source categories (R.E.5) | |||
4.15.1. | Proposal for amendment 4 to the Consolidated Resolution on the common specification of light source categories (R.E.5) |
ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/81, paras.13 and 14, based on ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2019/9, ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2019/10 and Annex III to the report
WP.29/2019/126 | RE5: Proposal for amendment 4
Proposal to introduce new light emitting diode (LED) substitute light source categories C5W/LEDK, R5W/LED, W5W/LEDK and WY5W/LED.
4.16. | Pending proposals for amendments to existing UN Regulations submitted by the Working Parties to the World Forum | |||
4.17. | Proposals for amendments to Mutual Resolution | |||
4.17.1. | Proposal for Amendment 2 to Mutual Resolution No. 1 (MR.1) — Draft Addendum 3 |
ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/65, para. 7, based on ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/2019/4.
WP.29/2019/119 | MR1: Proposal for Amendment 2
Proposal to add the specifications of flexible Pedestrian Legform Impactor (FlexPLI) to the Resolution on test devices.
5. | 1998 Agreement | |||
5.1. | Status of the Agreement, including the implementation of paragraph 7.1 of the Agreement |
The secretariat will present an updated list of the Contracting Parties to the Agreement, the adopted global technical regulations, the technical regulations listed in the Compendium of Candidates and the status of the 1998 Agreement incorporating the comments received. A list with the priorities and items, which the World Forum and its subsidiary bodies are considering as exchange of views, will also be presented, including the most recent information.
WP.29-179-12 | 1998 Agreement: Status of GTR priorities and proposals as of 6 November 2019
Status of the 1998 Agreement of the global registry and of the compendium of candidates: Situation on priorities and proposals to develop UN GTRs as of 6 November 2019.
5.2. | Consideration of draft UN GTRs and/or draft amendments to established UN GTRs | |||
5.3. | Consideration of technical regulations to be listed in the Compendium of Candidates for UN GTRs, if any | |||
5.4. | Guidance, by consensus decision, on those elements of draft global technical regulations that have not been resolved by the Working Parties subsidiary to the World Forum, if any | |||
5.5. | Implementation of the 1998 Agreement Programme of Work by the Working Parties subsidiary to the World Forum | |||
6. | Exchange of views on national/regional rulemaking procedures and implementation of established UN Regulations and/or UN GTRs into national/regional law |
The World Forum agreed to keep this item on its agenda awaiting additional presentations. |
7. | 1997 Agreement (Periodical Technical Inspections) |
WP.29-179-22 | General overview of in-service compliance assessment
Presentation from the PTI informal group.
7.1. | Status of the Agreement |
The secretariat will present an updated document with the status of the Agreement including the status of the UN Rules annexed to the Agreement, the list of the Contracting Parties to the Agreement and of their Administrative Departments responsible for periodic technical inspection (PTI).
WP.29/1074/Rev.14 | Status of the 1997 Agreement and of the Rules annexed to it - Revision 14
7.2. | Update of Rules annexed to the 1997 Agreement |
The World Forum agreed to resume consideration of the proposals for amendment of UN Rules annexed to the 1997 Agreement for their possible adoption by AC.4. if any. |
7.3. | Amendments to the 1997 Agreement |
The World Forum may wish to be informed on the situation of the entry into force of proposals for amendments to the 1997 Agreement on Periodic Technical Inspections of wheeled vehicles
WP.29-179-10 | 1997 Agreement: Notification of entry into force of amendments
7.4. | Establishment of new Rules annexed to the 1997 Agreement |
The World Forum may wish to consider proposals for establishment of new Rules annexed to the 1997 Agreement, if any. |
7.5. | Update of Resolution R.E.6 related to requirements for testing equipment, for skills and training of inspectors and for supervision of test centres |
The World Forum may wish to consider proposals for amendments to requirements for testing equipment, for skills and training of inspectors and for supervision of test centres, if any.
WP.29/2019/120 | Proposal for amendments to the of Resolution R.E.6.
Proposal to introduce provisions for roadside vehicle inspections into the resolution.
8. | Other business | |||
8.1. | Exchange of information on enforcement of issues on defects and non-compliance, including recall systems |
The World Forum may wish to be informed about any development of the work of the Enforcement Working Group (EWG).
WP.29-179-17/Rev.1 | Results of the state surveillance of buses
8.2. | Consistency between the provisions of the 1968 Vienna Convention and the technical provisions for vehicles of UN Regulations and UN GTRs adopted in the framework of the 1958 and 1998 Agreements |
The World Forum may wish to be informed by the secretariat of the Working Party on Road Safety (WP.1) about any activities taken by WP.1 or its subgroups related to areas of common interest since its September 2017 session (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/1110, para. 73). |
8.3. | Safer vehicles as the third pillar of the global plan for the decade of action for road safety |
The secretariat will report on the actions taken in the framework of the responsibilities of the World Forum regarding the third pillar (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/1095, para. 97).
WP.29-179-11 | Global Road Safety: An OICA Manifesto
WP.29-179-13 | Road Safety Action Plan (2011-2020): UNECE Inland Transport Committee and the Road Safety Progress Report
Presentation on child restraint systems assessment in Latin America.
WP.29-179-26 | PESRI: Evaluation of child restraint systems in Latin America
8.4. | Documents for publication |
The World Forum may wish to take note of the progress made on the translation of the authentic texts of Regulations adopted by WP.29 in June 2019 and entry into force in January 2020.
WP.29-179-14 | 1958 Agreement: Adopted proposals, amendments, corrigenda and new UN Regulations and situation of their entry into force
Proposals adopted during the June 2019 WP.29 session and situation as of 31 October 2019.
8.5. | Tributes |
WP.29-179-07 | Future as we move – Shaping solutions for mobility
CLEPA announcement for its <a href="" target=_blank">60th anniversary event and exposition</a> of advanced automotive technologies, scheduled for 4 December 2019 at The Square-Brussels convention center.
WP.29-179-07 | Future as we move – Shaping solutions for mobility
CLEPA announcement for its <a href="" target=_blank">60th anniversary event and exposition</a> of advanced automotive technologies, scheduled for 4 December 2019 at The Square-Brussels convention center.
WP.29/2019/34/Rev.2 | Revised Framework document on automated/autonomous vehicles
WP.29/2019/34/Rev.2 | Revised Framework document on automated/autonomous vehicles
9. | Adoption of the report |
In accordance with established practice, the World Forum will adopt the report on its 179th session on the basis of a draft prepared by the secretariat.
WP.29/1149 | Report of WP.29 on its 179th (November 2019) session
10. | Establishment of the Committee AC.1. |
The Administrative Committee shall be composed of all the Contracting Parties in accordance with the rules of procedure set out in the Appendix of the 1958 Agreement (E/ECE/TRANS/505/Rev.3, Article 1, para. 2). |
11. | Proposals for amendments and corrigenda to existing Regulations and for new Regulations – Voting by AC.1. |
The Administrative Committee, according to the procedure indicated in Appendix 1 of the 1958 Agreement, shall establish new Regulations and amendments to Regulations. Proposed Regulations and amendments to Regulations shall be voted on: (i) In case of new Regulations, each country, Contracting Party to the Agreement, shall have one vote. A quorum of not less than one-half of the Contracting Parties is required for the purpose of taking decisions. For determining the quorum, regional economic integration organizations being Contracting Parties to the Agreement, vote with the number of votes of their member States. The representative of a regional economic integration organization may deliver the votes of its constituent sovereign countries. Draft new Regulations shall be established by a four-fifths majority of those present and voting (Article 1 and Appendix); (ii) In case of amendments to existing Regulations, each country, Contracting Party to the Agreement applying the Regulation, shall have one vote. A quorum of not less than one-half of the Contracting Parties applying the Regulation is required for the purpose of taking decisions. For determining the quorum, regional economic integration organizations being Contracting Parties to the Agreement, vote with the number of votes of their member States. The representative of a regional economic integration organization may deliver the votes of its constituent sovereign countries, which apply the Regulation. Draft amendments to Regulations shall be established by a four-fifths majority of those present and voting (Article 12 and Appendix). Contracting Parties experiencing difficulties in attending the sessions of the Administrative Committee (AC.1) may, exceptionally, be allowed to express their views on items considered in writing, or by delegation of their voting power to other Contracting Parties attending the session (TRANS/WP.29/482, para. 11). If all Contracting Parties to the Agreement agree, any Regulation adopted under the terms of the previous versions of the Agreement may be treated as though it were a Regulation adopted under the terms of the current version of the Agreement (Article 15, para. 3). AC.1 will vote on the proposed amendments and corrigenda to existing Regulations of agenda items 4.6 to 4.14, taking into account the recommendations of the World Forum. |
12. | Establishment of the Executive Committee AC.3. |
The Executive Committee shall be composed of all the Contracting Parties in accordance with the rules of procedure set out in Annex B of the 1998 Agreement (ECE/TRANS/132 and Corr.1).
WP.29-179-16 | 1998 Agreement: Establishment of the Executive Committee (AC.3) and vote
13. | Monitoring of the 1998 Agreement: Reports of the Contracting Parties on the transposition of UN GTRs and their amendments into their national/regional law |
AC.3 agreed to continue consideration of this matter. Contracting Parties to the Agreement were invited to use the notification system developed by the secretariat for the annual reports on the transposition of UN GTRs and their amendments. Contracting Parties can use, as a model, the examples provided by the European Union, the Russian Federation and the United States of America (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/1102, paras. 96 and 97). The secretariat will contact the heads of the delegations of the Contracting Parties with pending notifications to facilitate the notification process (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/1108, para. 78).
WP.29/1073/Rev.26 | Status of the 1998 Agreement
Status of the 1998 Agreement, including the mandatory notifications by Contracting Parties to the secretariat in accordance with article 7 of the Agreement. This document was developed for the first time in 2007 by the secretariat as the tool for monitoring the Agreement
14. | Consideration and vote by AC.3 of draft UN GTRs and/or draft amendments to established UN GTRs, if any |
The Contracting Parties shall establish, through an Executive Committee consisting of all the Contracting Parties in conformity with the rules of procedure set out in Annex B and on the basis of the following articles and paragraphs, global technical regulations on safety, environmental protection, energy efficiency, and anti-theft performance of wheeled vehicles, equipment and parts which can be fitted and/or be used on wheeled vehicles (Article 1, para. 1.1.1). |
14.1. | Proposal for a new UN GTR | |||
14.2. | Proposal for Amendment 4 to UN GTR No. 2 (on the measurement procedure for two- wheeled motorcycles equipped with a positive or compression ignition engine with regard to the emissions of gaseous pollutants, CO2 emissions and fuel consumption) |
ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRPE/79, para. 49, based on ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRPE/2019/12, as amended by GRPE-79-21 as reproduced in Addendum 1
WP.29-179-16 | 1998 Agreement: Establishment of the Executive Committee (AC.3) and vote
WP.29/2019/121 | GTR 2: Proposal for Amendment 4
Proposal to further harmonize test procedures for two-wheeled vehicles equipped with conventional combustion engine technology, including restructuring to dedicate separate sections to test types I (tailpipe emission after cold start), II (idle / free acceleration emissions) and VII (energy efficiency). The amendment aligns the GTR with technological progress, including changes related to<ol><li>reference fuels</li><li>temperature conversion</li><li>forced induction systems (turbo/super-chargers)</li><li>treatment of open/closed systems</li><li>test room humidity</li><li>CO<sub>2</sub> tolerance, and</li><li>reference mass of the vehicle.</li></ol>
ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRPE/79, para. 49, based on GRPE-79-22 as reproduced in Annex VI.
WP.29/2019/121 | GTR 2: Proposal for Amendment 4
Proposal to further harmonize test procedures for two-wheeled vehicles equipped with conventional combustion engine technology, including restructuring to dedicate separate sections to test types I (tailpipe emission after cold start), II (idle / free acceleration emissions) and VII (energy efficiency). The amendment aligns the GTR with technological progress, including changes related to<ol><li>reference fuels</li><li>temperature conversion</li><li>forced induction systems (turbo/super-chargers)</li><li>treatment of open/closed systems</li><li>test room humidity</li><li>CO<sub>2</sub> tolerance, and</li><li>reference mass of the vehicle.</li></ol>
WP.29/2019/122 | GTR 2: Proposal for a technical report on the development of Amendment 4
WP.29/2019/121 | GTR 2: Proposal for Amendment 4
Proposal to further harmonize test procedures for two-wheeled vehicles equipped with conventional combustion engine technology, including restructuring to dedicate separate sections to test types I (tailpipe emission after cold start), II (idle / free acceleration emissions) and VII (energy efficiency). The amendment aligns the GTR with technological progress, including changes related to<ol><li>reference fuels</li><li>temperature conversion</li><li>forced induction systems (turbo/super-chargers)</li><li>treatment of open/closed systems</li><li>test room humidity</li><li>CO<sub>2</sub> tolerance, and</li><li>reference mass of the vehicle.</li></ol>
WP.29/2019/122 | GTR 2: Proposal for a technical report on the development of Amendment 4
15. | Consideration of technical regulations to be listed in the Compendium of Candidates for UN GTRs, if any |
The Executive Committee should, at the request of any Contracting Party, vote on the listing in the Compendium of Candidates of any national or regional technical regulation, in accordance with the procedure set up in paragraph 7 of Annex B to the Agreement (ECE/TRANS/132 and Corr.1). A quorum consisting of not less than one-half of the Contracting Parties to the Agreement is required for the purpose of taking a vote (Annex B, Article 5). |
16. | Consideration of amendments to Mutual Resolution |
Proposal for Amendment 2 to M.R.1
WP.29-179-16 | 1998 Agreement: Establishment of the Executive Committee (AC.3) and vote
WP.29/2019/119 | MR1: Proposal for Amendment 2
Proposal to add the specifications of flexible Pedestrian Legform Impactor (FlexPLI) to the Resolution on test devices.
17. | Guidance, by consensus decision, on those elements of draft UN GTRs that have not been resolved by the Working Parties subsidiary to the World Forum, if any |
WP.29 and AC.3 agreed to give guidance by consensus on pending issues of the draft UN GTRs and to its amendments to which the corresponding Working Party has been unable to find a solution (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/1085, para. 78). |
18. | Exchange of information on new priorities to be included in the programme of work |
AC.3 agreed to resume discussions on ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2019/31/Rev.1. subject to availability of further information
WP.29/2019/31/Rev.1 | Draft programme of work (PoW) under the 1998 Agreement
19. | Progress on the development of new UN GTRs and of amendments to established UN GTRs |
The Executive Committee may wish to review the work progress of the Working Parties subsidiary to the World Forum on proposals for new UN GTRs and on the development of established UN GTRs listed in the programme of work (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/1106, paras. 95-106 and Annex IV). Only the documents of the provisional agenda that are not in brackets require consideration and possible adoption by AC.3. The documents of the provisional agenda in brackets are mentioned as reference documents and, therefore, do not require consideration by the Executive Committee (AC.3). |
19.1. | UN GTR No. 1 (Doors locks and door retention components) |
AC.3 agreed to keep this item on its agenda awaiting further information. |
19.2. | UN GTR No. 2 (Worldwide Motorcycle Emission Test Cycle (WMTC)) |
WP.29/2019/122 | GTR 2: Proposal for a technical report on the development of Amendment 4
19.3. | UN GTR No. 3 (Motorcycle braking) | |||
19.4. | UN GTR No. 4 (Worldwide Heavy-Duty vehicle emission test Cycle (WHDC)) | |||
19.5. | UN GTR No. 5 (On Board Diagnostic Systems (OBD)) | |||
19.6. | UN GTR No. 6 (Safety glazing) |
WP.29/2019/123 | GTR 6: Proposal for authorization to develop an amendment
Proposal to exempt Zone I from opaque obscuration requirements of GTR 6 under certain conditions to facilitate the installation of devices such as rain-drop sensors, inside mirrors or automated vehicle sensors, etc.
WP.29/2019/123 | GTR 6: Proposal for authorization to develop an amendment
Proposal to exempt Zone I from opaque obscuration requirements of GTR 6 under certain conditions to facilitate the installation of devices such as rain-drop sensors, inside mirrors or automated vehicle sensors, etc.
19.7. | UN GTR No. 7 (Head restraints) | |||
19.8. | UN GTR No. 8 (Electronic stability control systems (ESC)) | |||
19.9. | UN GTR No. 9 (Pedestrian safety) | |||
19.10. | UN GTR No. 10 (Off-cycle emissions (OCE)) | |||
19.11. | UN GTR No. 11 (Agricultural and forestry tractors and non-road mobile machinery emission test procedures) | |||
19.12. | UN GTR No. 12 (Motorcycle Controls, Tell-tales and Indicators) | |||
19.13. | UN GTR No. 13 (Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Vehicles (HFCV) – Phase 2) | |||
19.14. | UN GTR No. 14 (Pole Side Impact (PSI)) | |||
19.15. | UN GTR No. 15 (Worldwide harmonized Light Vehicle Test Procedures (WLTP) – Phase 2) | |||
19.16. | UN GTR No. 16 (Tyres) | |||
19.17. | UN GTR No. 17 (Crankcase and evaporative emissions for two- or three-wheeled motor vehicles) | |||
19.18. | UN GTR No.18 (On-board diagnostics for two- or three-wheeled motor vehicles) | |||
19.19. | UN GTR No. 19 (EVAPorative emission test procedure for the Worldwide harmonized Light vehicle Test Procedure (WLTP EVAP)) | |||
19.20. | UN GTR No. 20 (Electric Vehicles Safety (EVS)) | |||
19.21. | Draft UN GTR on Quiet Road Transport Vehicles (QRTV) | |||
19.22. | Draft UN GTR on Global Real Driving Emissions (GRDE) | |||
19.23. | Draft UN GTR on determination of electrified vehicle power (Electric vehicles and the environment) |
WP.29/2019/124 | DEVP: Request for authorization
Request to WP.29 for authorization to continue work begun under the Electric Vehicles and the Environment (EVE) informal group towards establishing a new Global Technical Regulation on the Determination of Electrified Vehicle Power (DEVP) within the context of GTR 15 (WLTP).
20. | Items on which the exchange of views and data should continue or begin | |||
20.1. | Harmonization of side impact | |||
20.2. | Specifications for the 3-D H-point machine | |||
20.3. | Event Data Recorder (EDR) | |||
21. | Other business | |||
22. | Establishment of the Committee AC.4 and election of officers for the year 2019 | |||
23. | Amendments to Rules annexed to the 1997 Agreement | |||
24. | Establishment of new Rules to be annexed to the 1997 Agreement | |||
25. | Other business |