Working Party
Working Party on Pollution and Energy
81st session | Web conference | 9-12 Jun 2020
UN Regulations Nos. 24, 85, 115, 133 and 143

GRPE may wish to consider a proposal prepared by the expert from OICA to amend UN Regulation No. 85. The proposal aims at permitting the usage of the gaseous reference fuels described in UN Regulation No. 83 in order to reduce potential testing complexity.

GRPE/2020/13 | UN R85: Proposal for a new Supplement

GRPE may wish to consider a proposal prepared by the expert from Liquid Gas Europe to amend UN Regulation No. 115. The proposal proposes to clarify in UN Regulation No.115 provisions for hybrid electric vehicles.

GRPE-81-37 | UN R115: Proposal to extend the provisions in the proposal for a new Supplement (GRPE/2020/11)
GRPE/2020/11 | UN R115: Proposal for a new Supplement

GRPE may wish to consider two proposals prepared by the expert from CITA to amend UN Regulation No. 24 (and UN Regulation No.83), in order to include PN reference values that could be used, for example, during Periodic Technical Inspection (PTI) test

GRPE-81-18 | UN R24: Proposal for amendments to Supplement 5 to the 03 series of amendments

GRPE may wish to consider a proposal prepared by the expert from OICA to amend UN Regulation No. 24, proposing to remove UN Regulation No. 24 from the scope of the 06 series of Amendments to UN Regulation No. 49.

GRPE-81-28 | UN R24: Proposal to exclude UN R24 from the scope of UN R49 -06 engine emissions